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find my old spotify user

find my old spotify user

i recently found out that i had an old account, witch was not premium, and i want to delete it. it was connected to facebook, but i do not remember my username/email or pasword that i used.. the user i have now is also connected to facebook, so whenever i try to log in with it i get to my new account, so how can i get access to my old account?
2 Replies

Hey there, welcome to the community!
First of all, you could try checking your emails' inboxes in case one of them is the one you used to create that older Spotify account. If that didn't work, try contacting Spotify support ( ) so that a staff member can check this for you and also delete the account you wish. Please make sure that you reply to the automated email that you'll receive after sending the form, even if it's a no-reply. Support usually replies within 24-48 hours.

Hope this helped!

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Find my old Spotify user

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