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Blocked album

Blocked album






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My Question or Issue

Good day, I have an issue with a specific album - The Sixty Nine Eyes album "Back in blood" (yes, the algorithm don't allow to write numbers here).


Im a fan of the band, i definitely don't block the album, and anything related to it. I don't find any valuable info about the album on spotify support pages. And I can see The album, songs, can like them, even download button is lightning up, but i can't listen any song from it. Still can listen other songs from the band.

Thanks in advance, and help me please!
2 Replies

Hi @Daytona_69,


Thanks for posting in the Spotify Community!


Availability of music on Spotify can vary over time and between countries, depending on agreements between Spotify and rights holders, such as artists or record labels.


You can use this tool to check album availability on Spotify across different countries, by copying and pasting the album URI into its search field, or by dragging the album artwork from Spotify to somewhere on the webpage. Unfortunately, according to this tool Russia isn't listed as one of the countries where Back In Blood is currently available on Spotify.


Spotify adds new content every day, so if you can’t find something that you’re looking for right now, it may appear (or reappear) soon.


Let me know if you have any other questions, and have a good day!

AdamDamSpotify Star
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Hi and thanks and it doesn't help at all. Looks like it just blocked in my region. 

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