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Daily Mixes same songs everyday.

Daily Mixes same songs everyday.






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I am an Indian user of Spotify and got a premium plan. I get only 2 playlist of daily mixes and same songs i got everyday even if i dislike them. I think if i dislike a song it shouldn't be in my suggestion again. And you should provide a range of songs daily according to my activity. Please look into it coz it is really boring with same songs daily.

22 Replies

Hey @rahulrightnow,


Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community!


Your Daily Mixes grow with you as your music taste evolves. When you dislike or ban a song, the song should not appear in your Daily Mix anymore and we'll know not to play it again, or add it to future mixes. If you're having troubles with songs remaining in your Daily Mix, we'd recommend logging out and back in your account to shake things up, or trying a quick reinstall of the app.


Further, keep in mind that Daily Mix doesn't refresh every day. The more you listen to songs you like (not only from your Daily Mixes but from other non-personalized playlists as well), the more frequently your Daily Mixes will update, and the better and more varied they’ll become. 


On another note, each mix is based on a different genre of music you regularly listen to. Tracks and artists are grouped into similar genres which then make up to 6 uniquely sounding mixes.


Since you mention seeing only 2 Daily Mixes for now, we recommend listening to and exploring as much music possible to get a full line up of mixes.


Let us know how you get on 🙂

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Hey @katerina..

Thanks for replying.

I am using Spotify premium from almost last one month. I still getting disliked songs in my mixes and i am tired of that. And i listen variety of music, i don't get them rarely in my mixes. Also there is no option to remove songs from playlist as there was a button before getting premium. And when i am suppose to get my weekly mixes?

Hey there @rahulrightnow,


Thanks for getting back in touch with these details.


Just to confirm, does this happen only on your mobile device? 


If so, we'd recommend trying a quick reinstall of the app on your device.


If that doesn't do the trick, it'd be helpful if you could let us know if the issue persists when logged in to your Spotify account from other devices.


Keep us posted!

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I have tried the methods you aksed me to do but still same thing is happening. And still no weekly playlists

Same problem for several weeks and Spotify unable/unwilling to investigate further. They've told me I'm an "isolated case", when I've found three reports on this community, with a total of eleven (apart from me) saying they have the same problem, and two, perhaps three reports fo the same problem just in the past week or so on Twitter. Fix, please, Spotify! I have had to subscribe to Google Play Music as Spotify is useless to me without changing daily mixes.


Still same things are happening brother. Looks like Spotify India is too ignorant.

I think it's Spotify anywhere. No difference in Australia!

Im having the same problem. They wont look into my account at all and just tell me that I need to "wait it out". Also, can we talk about the "daily mixes dont refresh every day" line the moderator gave you?

Same thing happening in the US. Whether I use the Desktop app or my android phone. Daily Mix is always the same. Even artists that I like I only get the same three songs from them. There's defintiely something wrong with the algorithm.

I have the same problem in the US.  Only 2-3 daily mixes and always the same songs.  I follow hundreds of artists in all different genres. 

Same problem - it shouldn't be called a "Daily Mix" if it's not mixed up daily.... I've been a premium listener for years and I feel like my Daily mixes have always been the same. I switch to pandora sometimes to just get random music bc I'm sick of hearing the same stuff.... 

Hey there @jamster


Thanks for reaching out to the Community about this. 

In order to update your Daily Mixes you need to interact with them more often. You can basically tell Spotify which song from the mix you love, and which shouldn't be played anymore. Based on your preferences and interactions the Daily Mix will update with time.  


We suggest you check this help page and head to the point Improve playlists made for you - keep in mind you can perform those actions only on a mobile device. 


Hope you'll find this info useful. Let us know if you have any more questions. 

The problem is that you can't actually interact with the Daily Mixes like you suggest; you cannot remove a song from a the daily mix playlists, and asides from Adding to que, view song radio, going to artist/album, save to liked songs or add to playlist. No "Remove from this Playlist", no options to customize or tailor your Daily Mixes. So our only option is to like more songs and just deal with songs you can't stand reappearing in your daily Mixes over and over and over? It's stuff like this that irritates paying customers and drives them to Spotify's competitors. The algorithm is jacked up and replays the same music every day, and hardly finds new music for me to "discover". I never had this problem with Pandora or Google Play Music, and the fact that users have had this issue on and off for over 3 years with nothing other than a shrug of the shoulders, no major fixes or updates to rectify the issues and only being told "try reinstalling it lol" is discomforting, to say the least. 


Seriously, is that the only tech support anyone can get from Spotify is "reinstall the app", or be told instructions for a seemingly permanently grayed option on both my PC AND Mobile? Whack.



Same thing still happening in 2022... I even quit Spotify for a while but since I listen a lot offline it is a good choice for that. However, I agree that it doesn't provide much variety. I hear the same songs over and over. Doesn't matter if you start a song radio with a different song, it will play all the same ones in your previous song radio. If you dislike a song it only removes it from that playlist. How hard could it be to flag that song and never play it again. Ever. Uninstalling the app won't do jack. Spotify customer service won't do jack. Unless you listen to a lot of offline music you are so much better off with Pandora.

But, if we keep telling Spotify which songs we like in the Daily Mixes, those same songs will just keep reappearing.  A Daily Mix should be a different mix of songs each day, by virtue of being called a daily mix!

So, how about you mix it up?  Play different songs by the same artist in the Daily Mix.  That's what we expect as paying customers.  Or, play different or similar songs from similar artists.  Again, that's what we're paying for.  I've had the exact same songs in several Daily Mix playlists for weeks.  That's not daily, and that's not a mix.

Got it?  You can't keep telling us to continually interact with the app for the Daily Mix. 

It. Is. Supposed. To. Be. A. Mix.

And should be different each day.

Same here. Germany 2022. I tried so far:

- listening and liking different music every day so the algorithm might learn

- clearing my cache and downloads 

- log out and it at the app

- deleting and reinstalling the app 


please help me to fix this. I don’t enjoy the music at all anymore

Not only am I having this problem, but whenever I dislike a song, that song is now also removed from all my other playlists including the ones I've made myself. This makes managing the playlists near impossible.

Spotify is not in a good state right now, heading somewhere else for the time being.


Hey @Hehelol,

When you dislike a song on your Daily Mix it shouldn't disappear from all your lists.
It will, however, disappear from them if you hide the song.
The hyperlinked article has steps to revert this change.

In case this is instead a bug with the Dislike function, we'd appreciate a screenshot / video recording of it 🙂
Many thanks!

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Mind explaining to me how to dislike songs then?

I'm only seeing the 'Hide' function I suppose, and all my searches show that they're one and the same.

I'm attaching a photo of my google search cause there's nothing useful in the app itself.

I have been meticulously liking the songs I like and hiding the ones I don't like but I'm seeing the same artists & songs over and over again, there's no change.



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