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Download albums don't open

Download albums don't open






Oppo Reno 5F

Operating System

Android 13


My Issue

Some of my downloaded albums and playlists won't open while I'm in offline mode. The app just loads for like a minute or so and turns black. It's also been very slow to open lately, whether I'm online or not. I've tried uninstalling and installing it again, clearing cache, restarting my device, nothing changes. All this started when they introduced the swipe down feature on albums, it was fine before

8 Replies

Hey there, welcome to the Spotify Community!


Since you have already tried re-installing the app, I'd recommend a clean install. You can find the steps in this article.


If that does not help, please share a screen-recording of the issue so I can take a closer look, along with your app version.


Keep me posted.

AmayySpotify Star
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I sort of already tried a clean install

Here's the screen recording

70 GB free storage, 8GB RAM

Hey @66zs4cinlrdxtqlh5r6c, thanks for the screen recording and sorry for the delayed response.


Could you please share your Spotify app version as well?


Here are a few steps that you can try:


  1. Open the Spotify app and navigate to the settings.
  2. If offline mode is enabled, disable it. If it's already off, enable it once and then disable it again.
  3. Clear the cache of the Spotify app.
  4. Restart the app while connected to the internet.
  5. Enable offline mode from the settings.
  6. Check if you can access the items now.


Let me know how it goes.

AmayySpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.


It's okay

It's version

I tried the steps you gave, some albums still don't open, some do though 

Thanks for the info @66zs4cinlrdxtqlh5r6c.


I rechecked one of your screen recordings, and it looks like some albums have the green download icon next to them, but some are greyed out.


Can you try once more and confirm if this is happening only with the albums where the download icon is grey? 


If that is the case, try to disable offline mode and wait for the app to mark the albums as downloaded. You can also open it while offline mode is off to confirm whether the album is completely downloaded.


Once that is done, you can switch to offline mode and albums will open as expected.


Let me know how it goes.

AmayySpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.


It happens with albums that have the green download icon. When I open the app in offline mode, all the download icons are grey, then a second later, they all turn green. 

Sometimes it even happens with albums I've opened only hours ago

Thanks for the reply @66zs4cinlrdxtqlh5r6c.


Are you using an SD card by any chance? If so, please try removing the SD card and saving offline content on the device storage.


You can also try to log in on another mobile device. Download a few albums and playlists to check if the offline issue happens there also.


Let me know how it goes.

AmayySpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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