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No SD Card storage !!


No SD Card storage !!

Hello evdb,


I just bought a SD Card for Spotify ... and realised it's not possible to use it with Spotify !


Hello guys .... We are in 2012 ! We need to use space as we want.

The "solution" is to downgrade Spotify, clear data, and add path to SD Card in the settings then upgrade to the latest version ...


If I had to search 10 mins more I woukd have unsubscribed to my premium account.


Who !? In your team decided to remove the SD Storage option ? Idiot !

72 Replies

That's not acceptable by any means.



it doesn't work for all devises that thats the problem.


it works on mmy phone galaxy S2 but on my Tablet 7.7 NOT. That one I use the most for Sportify...


Hey theeerrreee fooolks!


I hopy you're enjoying your day. I'm so happy all day every day. You can see it from my posts!!


But yes, if you use Motorola RAZR MAXX - awesome piece of smartphone - the right path is this:




Feel free to try if you have an Motorola smartphone like this AWESOME Razr MAXX !!


And now just time for little party ;)))



Hands up forever and enjoy your Spotify!


Music is life. So put your hands up and DANCE!

Still not a software fix by Spotify. 59 people can get on here and talk about hacks, workarounds, rooted phones etc. But that ain't gonna get it. What it does tell me is that regular people can alter the software so it works on some devices but the crack Spotify team apparently cannot. Wait. It was a feature they had but removed. So they can figure out how to reinstate a line of code. OK.

Just a note for everyone.
Google updated android and set a standard for most apps (depending on the permissions) so they cannot be moved to an sd card. This is due to the fact that it's easy to hack into your external sd card and extract iinformation. Spotify obviously had to adhere to the standard so the app could be listed on the market. So on short its for Google security reasons the feature was removed.

So the question is can Spotify get around this issue in a future update? Maybe receiving 'trusted' status from Google to be able to do it?

Hurry though Spotify we want a fix!

What ?

Thank u for the note do you have more details about that ?


If I check the SDK doc I don't see where you cannot use a SD Card storage...


You mean install an app or store app data on SD Card ?


It was on the news. See above link. 


So the exploit turned into duff apps knowing the directory they save to then have free access to information its collected. 


This was then fixed by restricting apps from sd cards. Not just at app level on the market place but also at android level where once we could move apps to an sd card in app manager.


Its logic really as google arent going to publicise exploits or fixes in any way.



The post you gave is from 2010 ... 2 years ago.

I don't think it's a new policy for an old bug.


I tried the Android SDK few months ago and I was able to use SD Card ...

It's followed through since then right up to jelly bean. You cannot produce an official app (with certain permissions) that installs and executes off an sd card. Google stopped it since froyo.

An app might be able to utilise the sd card but not store its cache on it.

Is there a similar option for doing this with rdio?

I installed the old version and set it up to store music on the sd card.  However when I go to the Goolge Play store, there is no option to update to the newer version.  On Play Store page I only see "uninstall" and "open."  The app also does not appear in my list of installed apps under the Play Store settings, though it is clearly on my phone.  Any ideas how to update to the latest version while keeping the sd card settings?  Keep in mind I am very new to Android, so perhaps I missed something simple.  


EDIT: Well I manually installed the current spotify app over the old version, and everything seemed to be working fine with music still downloading to my SD card.  Then when I go to use the phone today, all of my downloaded playlists are gone.  I'll try again, but if it doesn't work I'll probably try looking into a different music service. 

Any idea how long it will take Spotify to fix the the Spotify app and this thread will stop being discussion for possible hacks and workarounds that only work 20% of the time?



I'm trying to merge together or close multiple topics on this matter, as there are great deal of threads relating to one issue. I would recommend following this thread, as it seems to have got the most response. This way, we can keep updates all in one place, and you can know as soon as we have something on this matter. 


I'm going to lock this thread for now. 

Airhorn Enthusiast

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