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Not enough space it says

Not enough space it says

I get an error saying i dont have enough space then the app crashes and will not let me back in. I have tried doing the "clean Reinstall" and it has done nothing. The closest I have gotten, is it downloaded about half the songs and said error not enough space and crashed. I dont understand due to the fact I have 8 out of 16gb free on my device and 18 out of 32gb on my sd. Any Ideas on what to do

14 Replies

Did you download the file from the "play store"? If you did, then something went wrong with the installation.


Let's try a complete uninstall (I'm doing this in a S6, hopefully is the same for everyone). You'll need a file manager, almost all phones have one, however i used "ES File Explorer".


Go to setting > Device > Apps > App Manager > Spotify > Tap first on "Force Stop" then on "Clear Data" and last on "Clear Cache". > Uninstall > Restart phone.


Now that its on again, go to the "File Manager" then go to "Internal Storage" > Android > Data > Delete the folder called "" and any folder that it has written spotify on it.


You have deleted all spotify files, so now go to play store and try to install it again. Hope it works 🙂

This did not. I still can only dowload about 50 songs until I get the download error saying I am out of space but I still have roughly 20gb free between my sd and interal memory

In spotify settings is the storage location set to internal storage or SD card and how much free space do you have in the selected storage location?

it is set to sd and i have 15gb left on my sd

What android version are you using? Could you please post a screen capture of the android settings storage screen?




Hi, as it seems you could not resolve your problem, you can always ask them in twitter as @SpotifyCares . Maybe they can help you more than I can. 🙂

Thanks. Could you use a file manager and just check the sizes of the folders android/data/com.spotify music on both the internal and external storage. Then hop over to the app manage, tap on Spotify and let me know what it shows under "Storage".


I'm wondering if you've hit a bug where, even though the cache is on the SD card, app manager reports that only internal storage is used. Just conjecture at this stage but if you could post the extra information we'll be able to see if this is what is happening.

Internal: 31 bytes

external : 4.1 gbs

storage says 4.25gb of internal storage used

I think that, although the cache is on external SD, spotify or android OS thinks it is on internal storage so it's adding the 4.25GB to the 11.84GB of internal storage actually used and seeing no more free internal storage. The fact that app manager shows that spotify is using internal storage seems to be the key.


I'm going to try some stuff out on my phone to see if I can pin this down some more and I'll let you know how it goes. Can I just ask what phone you're using (I'm guessing you're on android 6.x)?

Im using a galaxy s5. The current version is 6.0.1

Hello again @Trolfes93. So I made about 25GB of music available offline and I didn't hit your problem so I'm not sure what's going on. Can I suggest you clear the spotify cache and data then uninstall it. Next, reformat your SD card (back up any photos etc first). Finally, reinstall spotify, set the storage location to the SD card and see how it goes.


If that doesn't work for you, use the online contact form and someone at Spotify can help. If you get an automated response directing you back to the community or to the help pages, please reply to it by email and you will hear back from one of the team shortly.

well I did that to the point of switching it to sd. Now it said Ive already used up my  devices so now I have no option to switch to sd card. So i went to spotifys website and reset my devices now I can figure out how to get my phone resynced with my spotify

Hi Trolfes93, Could you explain more? How is it that you cannot sync with Spotify? It doesn't let you log in? 🙂

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