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I cannot play any of my downloaded music on my phone even tho I pay for the premium. It has said since last night that it is pending even tho it downloaded months ago. Please help.  

29 Replies

Glad it works for u guru, but I see plenty of other posts where ppl are having the exact same problem as I am so it actually doesn't work very well, and spotify won't make money unless it performs. 

Yes to which question?

And can you please try to answer the other questions.

Again, I can understand you are frustrated, but venting on here without providing more information will not really help.
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

. Did you go into the Spotify settings in the Spotify app and make sure the Offline Listening option was set to OFF?


Again, the phone says there is no network activity (so it's in offline mode) yet it says it is hooked up to both wi-fi and bluetooth. This is the longest amount of time spotify has not worked for me on my phone while on premium since March.  


I downloaded the link directly on my phone and it still says it's in offline mode so it it acting the same way as the regular spotify. 

AND I checked it and It's also set to OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Do you have internet connection in your smartphone?



Of course I do guru. How else could I have downloaded all the starred songs before? And I have wifi, wireless, internet right now. All my other apps work just fine except for spotify.  

Reinstallation of Spotify (Android)


Please note that your offline playlists will need to be synced again after reinstallation.


Do the following:

  • Open Spotify in your mobile
  • Go to More > Settings and select Clear saved data
  • Close Spotify and uninstall it from your mobile. You can do this by going to Settings > Application > Manage applications > Spotify and press Uninstall.
  • Install Spotify once again through the Android Market or by visiting in your mobile web browser.


It doesn't let me do that in the settings that the android one u guys had me download.  Only says.... offline mode OFF, private session, connect to facebook, music quality, and show licenses.  

Yeah that option is not in the new app.

Generally you should not have to resync after installation.

You're better off trying to answer the other questions we've asked several times so we can see why the songs you have already downloaded aren't playing
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence
Marked as solution

They're already answered. I'll try and uninstall this new app then... Sigh.  On this new one just says downloading 0%.  


And where is the customer service in this company where I can talk on the phone with a paid agent for a service that I pay for?!

So deleted the android app and starting a new spotify made it go back to Premium. 


While I have ur attention, can you answer why when u change a song (on the android) it kicks u out of spotify or it stays stuck at the end of the song? It has done that since I've had premium, and it's doing it now. Just wondering if they're ever gonna fix that kink.  

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