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Playlist returning to first song

Playlist returning to first song







PC, iPhone X, PS4


My Issue

Hi Community,


Needing some help please regarding Playlists - I'll try and explain the best as possible below.


I have a Playlist with 1,132 songs, regardless of what song I am listening to (either middle of the playlist, end, etc) it is cancelling the order of songs and returning to my original first song and playing from the beginning of the Playlist which is frustrating when I'm use to the order of my songs.


Is there a way to fix this? I've tried offline mode, shuffling, etc and none of these are fixing it. Do I need to create a new playlist and copy the songs over? 


Thanks in advance for your help.



3 Replies

Having exactly the same issue. Is there any way to resolve it? Why is the issue not being addressed, I've seen other posts from last year reporting this and no solution posted from Spotify. We're paying for this service and at least should receive some user support! 

Having the same problem. Did domebody fix it?

Hey @betazze,


Thanks for reaching out about this here in the Community.


We've created an ongoing issue which sounds exactly like what you've experienced and it'd be great if you'd take a look at it by clicking here. Make sure to follow the steps in the Status Update and, if you're still experiencing what you reported even after following the steps, make sure to add your vote (by clicking +VOTE) as well as to leave a comment with the required info to be notified about any updates on this.


Same goes for you @FutureImpact and @tusienka, if you happen to be experiencing this by now.


Hope you'll find this info useful. Don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything else we can help with in the meantime!

Mario Moderator
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