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Please fix chromecast with Spotify


Please fix chromecast with Spotify

Spotify has always been buggy with chromecast.

- It looses connection

- Often can't adjust volume without reconnecting to the chromecast. Or you must use the Google Home app.

- You must force close the app to discover cast devices when you come back home

- Spotify often shows a different song under "now playing" than what's actually being played

- Can't adjust volume if connected to a group of chromecasts. Workaround is using the Google Home app, but this is awfully cumbersome


I have never seen a changelog where you tell anything specific about fixing chromecast connectivity.

Do you ever update the Google Cast API? Have you (developers) tried Spotify with casting devices yourself? Can you honestly say that "yeah, everythings fine"? The biggest music streaming service in the world should not settle with the stability and performance of the chromecast support before it is as good or better than the Google Music app.


I think I'm not the only customer who'd wish for a less buggy experience using Spotify with casting devices.

91 Replies

Exactly Machin, I mean its not like google chromecast is some small company and gadget no one uses either, so those numbers are very generous.

I am not sure I would agree. I assumed (wrongly) this was a Chromecast
issue and have done all along.

Only by chance did I decide to look on the Spotify forum as was at my wit's
end and found this thread.

I am sure there are many more people like me out there who simply curse the
fact it's not working and use something else.

OK.  Then let's say a million people have this problem and only 88 have spoken up here.  It's still 1.4% of the active users.  


I still don't think Spotify will ever care.





Sad enough to tell that but if Machin's numbers are even somewhat accurate then there is no hope here am I right? No matter if you run a Chromecast or any other client device, you simply have no guarantee that stuff keeps working for long ... I am not an Apple guy but iTunes keeps working even for music purchased 10 years ago, it 's so soo heavily integrated into the Apple ecosystem. Just poor end users and prisoners with no rights at all are we, all is done and architected so we keep paying becoz we are so addicated to that streaming service, I just have to release here.

You a probably right 🙂

I wonder why there is a forum if there is little engagement from Spotify

Shame really...

New android Spotify App update, same Chromecast performance.... 😞


They need to remove this feature until they get it to work. At least they would manage the user expectation.

Asked same question too: why complain here, nobody answers. If you want to move things go paper and contact notoriuous revues and papers reporting on technolgy - paper is like money and has the most of power. You also can go to notorious reviewers of hardware I won't name here but this is really the place to be and show for all the hardware and service providers overall. Otherwise no way to get your rights.

So spotify never answers in these forums?

Nope sir, never. Perhaps I have an issue in making myself more understandeable? No serious is this the only way to get problems on the table here? I am patient but true I like if it goes quick, at least a quick statement that the stuff is in hands - very human, very basic but even that is nobrainer here.

Hey all!


I'm sorry that this thread hasn't gotten the attention it deserves, but help's on its way! I've created an Ongoing Issue report to help streamline getting these issues reported and fixed quickly 🔍


Let Spotify know what's been happening by responding to the questions in the post 🙂 Check it out:



It changes to Chromecast or to different playlist entirely. Drill Bitz or whatever isn't my type of music, it isn't queued or anything. It makes my migraines so much worse. I keep removing it or ''hide" it from my library. I checked my settings, setted everything off. It also sometimes skips to the next song in my playlist without finishing the song I selected. I've tried deleting the app, reinstalling it. Making my playlist private, making new a new playlist, checking for new updates. I don't even want to download the webplayer. I have read  that it doesn't fix the problem. This is extremely frustrating and there isn't really a proper customer support services to call and talk to about this problem. I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread, I just want to talk to someone about fixing this problem.


Marked as solution

Hey everyone, thanks for bringing these issues to our attention. 


If you're experiencing pausing while using Chromecast, please move over to this thread. Be sure to click +VOTE at the top so we know how many folks are having this issue. Please also post in the thread with the requested information. 


If you're experiencing something other than pausing while using Chromecast, please start a new thread with [Chromecast] in the subject line. We have multiple issues being reported in this thread and we need to have one thread per issue. That way we can better pass this along to our teams. 


Thanks for your help getting this information together so we help get this resolved. 

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