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Queue inaccessible, button greyed out

Queue inaccessible, button greyed out






Samsung Galaxy J3

Operating System

Android 9

Spotify Version


My Question or Issue

I cannot access my queue. The button is in the bottom right but it is greyed out. When I click it nothing happens. 


I habd already done a clean reinstall by clearing my data and then uninstalling and reinstalling, but this did not fix the problem. Although to be honest, I don't think the "clear data" worked properly because when I reinstalled, my library and downloads were still intact. Also, doing a clean reinstall is not a good solution; users should not have to delete their libraries just to fix a glitch. 


Please suggest something else. I would like to be able to get the service I'm paying for. Thank you.

13 Replies

Hey! Sorry to hear you're having issues!


Performing a clean reinstallation shouldn't delete your library, that is saved in your account rather than in the app data, so you should be safe there! 


Here's a great list of Spotify Troubleshooting tips that you might want to try that are specific to Android, small glitches like what you mentioned can sometimes be fixed this way. 


Let me know if this works for you! If not, I'll see what else I can suggest to fix it 🙂


Thanks for reading! If this worked for you, please mark this as the solution, this way others will be able to find the answers to their problems in the future! 🙂

When I first posted about this, none of the solutions you suggested were successful. Then about two weeks later, after I had stopped using Spotify for a while, I logged back in, and the queue button was once again accessible. Great!


However, just now, the queue button is once again greyed out and inaccessible. I have been using Spotify regularly in the last few weeks, including using the queue (it was working fine just yesterday) but now once again I am having the same problem. The queue button is greyed out and inaccessible. I can still add things to the queue, but I cannot access it in any way.


Can you please provide me with a solution, and if possible an explanation as to why this keeps happening? I have already tried a clean reinstall, as well as the rest of your suggestions from early October. They have not solved the problem.


Thank you.


Same for us. This app is so buggy. Why does this **bleep** keep happening? Ugghh

We literally just deleted & re-installed this buggyriffic app (lost entire prior queue) . The queue button worked for one **bleep**ing song and greyed out again. Fix this garbage!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

Hey there folks,


Thanks for reaching out about this.


We'd recommend performing a clean reinstallation of the app, by following exactly the device specific steps in this article. A clean reinstall is different than just deleting and reinstalling the app, because it involves deleting the app cache, which sometimes gets corrupted and causes such errors.


Let us know how it goes.

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I have the same problem. It started when I switched to "playlist radio" and now there is no way to revert it. I have reinstalled app and it still does not work. Whole queue management is so confusing and buggy. You really should invest some time to fix it.

I have found a way to fix it. I have created new playlist and added just one song. Switched to this new playlist, started playing the song. Then I deleted the playlist and it started working again.

Hey @kubav,


Thanks for reaching out!


We're happy that you've found a workaround, however we're happy to help you sort this one out, so that the queue functions as indented.


Could please confirm that you've performed a clean reinstall using these steps? As @Alex mentioned, this is different from the regular reinstall, as it ensures that no leftover files remain, that might be causing this issue.

If that doesn't fix things could you try and replicate the issue on another device or using a friend or family members account? This helps us determine if the root cause of the problem is account or device related.


Hope you find this useful. Keep us posted how you get on.

Mihail Moderator
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Yes, I did clean reinstall. It deleted all offline content and also I had to log in again after reinstalling app.

Sorry I do not have time to do your job. You should ask your testing department to figure it out.

Hey @kubav,


Thanks for getting back to us.


We're sorry to hear that you're still experiencing this. We couldn't replicate the issue from our end and have gotten only intermittent reports of this issue.


Such behavior is in most cases caused by interference with the apps files. Testing it out on a different device or with another account would help us determine the best possible solution and help you experience the app as intended.


Keep us posted how things develop, we'll be keeping an eye out for your reply 🙂

Mihail Moderator
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I have the same problem sometimes, for no apparent reason it gray's out. Then for no reason it activates again. Spotify seams to forget they we pay for this app.


Didn't work for me.

Hi there @degueb,


Thank you for your reply in this thread.


We've tried this from our end and we're not able to reproduce this.


Can toy confirm if you performed a clean reinstall of the app with the steps that was mentioned in the article above?

It would also be great if you can have someone log in with their account on your device - such as a friend or a family member to see if the issue persists? This will help us understand if it's account related or not.


We'll keep an eye out for your reply.


Take care!

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