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Remove top podcasts suggestions

Remove top podcasts suggestions

Smack dab in the middle of the homescreen is "Your Top Podcasts". It seems to list any podcasts unrelated to what you actually listen to. The suggestions are often inappropriate and embarassing. 

This issue has been brought up countless times in the past year. Nothing has been implemented to address this problem. I'm beginning to think that it is not due to an inability to implement an option to "hide" suggestions, but instead Spotify is being paid to advertise these podcasts. So tough luck. 


This is ridiculous. Fix this sht or lose your patrons.

97 Replies

Please go vote for this idea at the following below for Spotify to make a change to this issue.

I am probably deleting my Spotify accounts and canceling my subscription because of this.

Hey there @aridel94,


Thanks for sharing this here in the Community!


If this is something you'd like to be changed in the app, we'd recommend adding your +VOTE and feedback to the idea @cire2709 mentions above - we've marked it as solution so it's easier for users to find 🙂


We'd also suggest taking a look at this Spotify Answer on how your feedback reaches Spotify and how ideas get implemented.


Don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything else we can help with!


Have a lovely day 🙂

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This is no solution!
We (users!) are defining this an error in the application, which it is. There is no good reason seeing high priority podcast section for all the guys not hearing any podcast, so you can't just rename it "no error, but a good idea maybe". Guys! Are you serious?
YOU introduced that feature, so please make it at least optional. OR is there some marketing thing behind you don't want to be honest about?

Indeed embarrasing podcast titles keep stubbornly coming back, even with explicit turned off, and trying to listen to other podcasts which should be my top podcasts. really annoying

Even a 'Not Interested' option would be enough. Then i can just do that with each one until they're all gone. It worked for me on Steam and the 'What Curators Say**bleep** they're feeding down peoples necks now


I accidentally listened to 5 seconds of one spotify podcast just to see if the usability was as bad as I had feared (it was). And now the podcast recommendations have invaded my home screen and it seems permanent. I use Spotify for music. The only way I'd consider using spotify for podcasts would be with an entirely different app that was made for podcasts.

Hey there folks,


Thank you for your posts and feedback.


We're constantly aiming to improve our features so we hope you’ll continue using it and find it gets better in the future. 


You can read more about how your feedback reach Spotify here.


Once again - thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it. Let us know if we can help with anything else. We're always one reply away.


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Live, love, laugh and listen to music 🙂

If you listen. Then fix instead of writing posts about how you listen.

You have the function to remove items in "Recently played". How hard can it be? Copy the code and implement!

I exported all my Spotify data and cancelled premium. Using a different content streaming platform really solved my inappropriate podcast issue. I hope this helps motivate Spotify to at least make a lukewarm attempt at heeding customer advice. 

Hi, can you help us with this problem at all?  There is no solution provided to this issue.  I would like to remove/hide all podcasts from Spotify's home page, I won't ever use them.

Same issue for me. Where the **bleep** did those suggestion come from? Also @Spotify, it's nice to have a voting system for features that people want but in this case this is an annoying behaviour that no one wants. Why did you implement it at first place? What kind of brainstorming session did you do to come up with such bad suggestions?


Dear Spotify,


Don't mark something that is unresolved as solved. This is most certainly NOT resolved. Listen to customers and that's how you get to keep them loyal and recommending you to other prospects. 

Which platform did you switch to?

It's frustrating, I turn to Spotify to get away from all of those voices seemingly on every device wanting more airtime after their thing on TV/YouTube/wherever ended and now I find them here front and center. When this became a thing again, aren't podcast like from 15-20y ago?

The Home section is just useless clutter now that podcasts are forced in there with the country-specific content that I'd say is xenophobic/racist, but I've used my account in several countries now and see drastic changes from one country to the next despite these being geographically right next to each other with similar cultures, so no, it's not xenophobic or racist, it's paid for, in other words: advertising, that thing your premium account is supposed to get you out of.

I'm starting to rebuild my iTunes Library again because I have a feeling it may get nasty sooner than I thought with the recent patents thingy.

How is directing people to yet another forum a solution. As a software developer I know how easy it is for Spotify to actually fix this. Make podcasts a delectable option. Ever

I have never listened to a podcast on Spotify, don't ever, intend to and resent having valuable screen real estate that I pay monthly premium fees for tied up showing me someting irritating. Please let me OPT OUT. I fully understand that you are purposefully choosing to display these front and center because it is an attempt to expand your business model. You are pursuing that course at the expense of existing paying customers.

Same. +1

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