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Spotify Connect & Yamaha Reciever problems - See the device but cannot connect.


Spotify Connect & Yamaha Reciever problems - See the device but cannot connect.

I have a Yamaha RX-V577 reciever with Spotify Connect and update to the last firmware.
When I try to connect spotify using the Android APP, I see the device but cannot conect to it.


What are the steps you took to get to the error/issue?

1. I star a song

2. Click on the speaker sign with a circle, and click on the receptor (Yahama device).

3. The grey rounder speaker sign goes from grey to green and the sound waves moves (like tryng to connect).

4. After a while it goes back to grey.


IMPORTANT I dont know how sometimes it works, dunno how but after trying alot yesterday It worked. But cannot reproduce it.



126 Replies

That is the thing. All are wired. DHCP disabled and dns on 888 and 8844.

Interesting. Sounds like you have tried a number of things. Can you describe the exact setup then? What model of Yamama, router model#, service provider, etc. Description of how it's connected. I'm sure there are a few people watching this thread that can come up with a solution for you. Would be great to get this working for you.

Try the IPv6 settings on your router

I have an Yamaha S601D receiver, connected wired with internet. Spotify connect works excellent. But occasionally it's not possible to connect. My fix is to unpower the AV (i.e. Disconnect the power cord so that the Yamaha has to negotiate network settings again). This problem might be related to (partial) power downs in my house (e.g. Modem/router or access point powerless. Just a thought: after a restart my modem/router receives an other public IP adress). Finally some thoughts of concern and advice re the DHCP / DNS advice: Do not turn Dhcp off, or select an IP address that's outside the DNS range of your modem/router. Otherwise you run the risk of identical IP addresses on your network (unpredictical results). If you want to change DNS, do it on your router/modem. There is no adverse effect if you configure DNS of google instead of your ISP. I have some network knowledge, but I cannot figure why another DNS server could help. Could also be a local caching problem on the Yamaha ? (Wild guess).

I found the solution for the receiver not showing up as an available device. See if it works for you:


  1. Get into the network setup of the receiver.
  2. In Default Gateway enter manually the IP address of your router (in my case, the receiver had it wrong).
  3. In IP Address enter also manually an IP address that’s not being used by any device within your wireless network. To check out which, get into your router configuration and see which devices are connected and their respective IP addresses. For example:

ID            MAC Address                    IP Address

1              XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX

2              XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX

3              XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX

4              XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX

5              XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX


In this case, you could choose the IP address (or another).


READY! In the router device info, a new connected device should appear with the IP address you chose for the receiver.


SOMETHING ELSE: It may be necessary to configure the DNS in the receiver as follows:

  • DNS (P):
  • DNS (S):

so I have to change the DNS settings every time if I want to listen to music from Spotify? This is not acceptable. This is Yamaha firmware problem.

Not every time, just once. And yeah, it's Yamaha's fault that we should be
doing this, but at least there's a way around it. It just took me over a
year to figure it out 😉

Not every time, just once. And yeah, it's Yamaha's fault that we should be
doing this, but at least there's a way around it. It just took me over a
year to figure it out 😉

I'm afraid that every time, because if I want to listen to music from another device (PC, mobile, etc ) I'll have to change it to local router configuration and then again to Spotify preferences

Setting my primary and secondary DNS servers to google's fixed this cannot connect to Spotify Connect issue with my yamaha VX-777 with DCHP turned off and a static IP address assigned to the receiver via the router. yahoooo

Marked as solution

I have solved the connection problems at my home. My home network is rather complex. The Yamaha receiver is connected, via a managed switch, to my router and modem. The manged switch was running with old IP settings of a previous configuration (i.e. totally different network segment). Although other equipment (like Apple TV, smart TV and Time Capsule) had no serious problems with this issue, the Yamaha did have problems. After a reset/reconfiguration of the managed (Netgear) switch, the switch obtained via DHCP a valid IP address from my router and all works well now (for many months without any interference). 



1) If you encounter problems, don't blame Yamaha, it's most likely a problem in you network configuration

2) The Yamaha receiver is more sensitive for network issues than most other equipment

3) As a fix / workaround you can configure a fixed DNS (e.g. OpenDNS) a fixed IP address. However, I highly recommend to solve the network issue(s).

I agree with your points but would add that Spotify updates seem to break the connection every once in a while. I don't use my system a lot, so if it breaks after a Spotify update, I just resign myself to wait for the next update. In the last year, that has always worked without any need to do anything else. Maybe it is just coincidence, I don't know, but when it does break, it seems like the next Spotify update follows soon after.


I am also hardwired to a managed switch and I have not changed its configuration in a couple of years.

Until now I haven't had problems with updates. Therefore some extra background info: I use IPhone (OSX v10.x). And receiver RX-S601D. Don't know whether firmware and software releases are inline with Android phones and other Yamaha receivers. I also use a wireless Yamaha multicast speaker in my kitchen.

I changed Internet Service Provider some time ago. I didn't adjust the switch. Although the local network range changed, the connected devices kept functioning. So I forgot to reconfigure the switch then....

What input do I selecton the receiver to play music with Spotify?  I'm connected and my I phone 6 shows I'm connected to the receiver, but I'm not sure how to set up the receiver to listen.

Hi all. Set primary dns to default gateway ip of router set secondary to google or other internet dns server.

That might work. Most devices work via "round robin".
So 1st DNS request to 1st server, 2nd request to 2nd server,3rd to first

Hello guys,


same problem here, this is my configuration:

1. Sony Xperia X Compact

2. Android 7.0

3. Spotify

4. Yamaha RX-A850


I had to change DHCP configuration to manual and setup DNS as suggested... it works now! thanks!!



Good to hear.  Thanks.

Good to hear.  Thanks.

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