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Spotify Skips or Pauses Music

Spotify Skips or Pauses Music



I have recently just started having an issue with Spotify skipping during songs, pausing, or moving to the next song altogether. This issue is occuring on both my Android device and PlayStation 4.  These problems do not exist on my desktop.  I am not sure what could cause this issue; however, I have tried reinstalling the app on my phone with no results.  I have tried logging out and back in as well as simply restarting the app and still nothing.  The skipping occurs with both live streaming and downloaded playlists.  This is extremely frustrating, as I am a premium member and would like to keep getting my money's worth out of this service.  Any ideas?  


Phone:  Sony XperiaZ3

Service:  Verizon Wireless

Android Version: 4.4.4

Spotify Version:


***Also occuring while using Spotify Connect on PS4, or just using the app on the PS4 system***



11 Replies

Same issue here. With ps4 and android app

Hi @whitefox109, welcome to the Spotify Community! Let's try to troubleshoot this issue with you.

First of all, please try a clean reinstallation. This can resolve many common issues.

If you're still having trouble after a reinstall, please let us know the following details:
1. Exact Device (e.g. Samsung Galaxy 4)
2. Exact operating system (e.g. 4.4.2)
3. Spotify app version installed (2.0.0)
4. What are you doing when the app skips/ stops/ crashes? Is it when it opens? When scrolling through tracks? When searching?
5. About how many playlists do you have?

If you could get back to us with those details it would be great. Thanks!

Thanks Jean, I have listed all the information you requested in my original post.

I get random pauses too. Im on a Samsung Galaxy S4, current Google Play version. I use Spotify mostly when I drive and just leave a playlist on, but recently it's been pausing a lot and even crashing, forcing me to take my eyes off the road to restart the playlist. This also seems to happen about 80% of the time after an advertisement for me. It's been like this for a few months



I appologize for any inconvinience, I have escalated the issue and will hopefully have a solution to your problem soon 🙂



Hello @whitefox109


I have spoken with members from the spotify team and they believe you may have an issue with your offline tracks, fortunatly their is an easy solution to this, to solve your issue i am going to run you through step by step on logging out "everywhere" and this should hopefully solve your problem, let begin 🙂



  1. Log into your account




That should fix your issue 🙂


I hope to hear back from you soon! 🙂

Thank you for the help!  I will try to sign out everywhere and see how it works this week.  I will post again soon with results!

I got the same issue on my HTC One M7, running Android 5.0.2 HTC Sense 6.0. It started after the most recent update september 9th.
I've had the problem before which miraculously disappeared.
I tried your solution 'Sign out everywhere' but it didn't work. Any other ideas?

Hi @Bertutus , welcome to the Spotify Community! 🙂


Let's try to troubleshoot this issue with you. 



First of all, please try a clean reinstallation. This can resolve many common issues. 


I hope this solves your issue 🙂


Hello @whitefox109


It seems i may have made a mistake, i sent you the inccorect troubleshooting option, i appologize for this


These are the suggested steps to solve your problem


1. Go to: .
2. Click "Remove all devices".
3. Clean reinstall of the app.


Again i appologize, hopefully this solves your issue 🙂


Thanks for your reply. However, it didn't work 😞 I didn't have any offline devices but did the reinstal. I thought it worked but it just started skipping tracks again 😞

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