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Spotify pauses every 30 seconds

Spotify pauses every 30 seconds

I have an s8+ andaits worked great for months. Now it pauses every 30 seseconds on the dot. I've done everything I can to fix it even a factory reset and it still doesn't work. Any ideas? Working on everything else i own. 

3 Replies

Bump ..  Nothing I havh tried fixes it. What the **bleep** am I paying for premipr for? 

Have you read the thread [PSA] Samsung users please read! to see if it helps?

Yeah. It was an issue with my account. 4 Hours to fix via chat support! For
what should have been 30 minutes tops. They had to delete the old account
and make a new one completely! But after confirming it didn't work on
literally 3 different devices. They wanted to troubleshoot the phone... And
they had to credit my new account for the premium and it took over 30
minutes to get a simple response that the credit would cover the family
plan. And no that's not a joke. The chat time in the copy of the chat they
email says 3 hours 59 minutes and like 12 sec.

The experience of navigating the site on a mobile phone was horrible! The
contact us page randomly disappeared from most pages (almost like the
settings button in the app) and it usually took over 5 minutes to get a
response from the representative. The forums are the worst thing to use on
phone that I've ever seen. And after all that? Now my wife who is traveling
for work has to use a ton of data to stream or read download Playlists
because of an error that wasn't caused by anyone in the household! If it
ever happens again I'll just be taking my business elsewhere. The whole
experience was a nightmare. We're now almost out of data for the month and
it just reset on the 15th because instead of making a new profile they
kicked everyone off the premium account and she's not near wifi to be able
to update (she's a trucker) and they wanted me to pay the extra $5 for the
family plan that I'd already paid for this month! F for service!

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