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keep losing downloaded music?

keep losing downloaded music?

I am constantly losing the tracks i have downloaded for offline pkay from my samsung gt.i8190n running android 4.1.2

music downloads fine, then every few days whilst in offline mode it suddenly wont play and i have to find an internet conection and leave phine online for an hour or so to download all tracks again. 

Not what i expect when i am paying for a service!!!!

11 Replies

Hi. Are you using an external SD card?

I have an sd card, think thats where music is being stored,

OK. Would you mind running spotify for a couple of days with the SD card removed to see if you still get the problem? That way, we can eliminate an issue with the SD card or the SD card connector.


To switch the cache to internal storage

  1. In spotify, go to the settings page, scroll to the bottom and delete cache and data
  2. Power off phone and remove SD card
  3. Power on and start spotify. Download some music.


To switch the cache back to the SD card

  1. In spotify, go to the settings page, scroll to the bottom and delete cache and data
  2. Power off phone and insert SD card
  3. Power on and start spotify. Download some music.

Please let me know if music stays downloaded when the cache is in internal storage, thanks.



Gone a bit quiet here, but I've just had the same issue, about 20Gb of music downloaded which has just gone, and my Spotify settings have gone back to the default (Normal Quality downloads and streaming, instead of my preference of Extreme Quality).


I think this must be a Spotify issue as I've not had this issue with any other apps which save data to the SD card. I've got a weekend away coming up soon, so I'd have been very miffed if I had discovered this issue as I was just about to board the plane.


I recently updated all my installed apps - I wonder if the latest update to the Spotify app may have overwritten the settings the data on the saved music?



I have the same problem with Spotify. Any new development? 

Same problem here. Not using SD card!


Any news on that?

I have been having the same problem with my podcast downloads only. All my music is there and I'm using an s6 so no SD card. I download prob like 10 hours of podcast to get me through my work day. As soon as I leave my WiFi, about an hour or so later all my downloaded podcasts for stuff you should know is gone. I can listen to it over 4g but that uses all my data. If anyone find anything let me know

Same here, Spotify asking me to download random tracks again as soon as I´m not on a wi-fi connection, just one track here and there, but inevitably a favourite track off every other album. Is there anyone who doesn´t have this problem might be a better question?

I am loosing my downloaded music on my android car radio. At first I thought I was running out of space and when the apps updated it removed my downloaded Spotify music. But I just added a 32 Gb SD card, removed and reinstalled Spotify to use the new card, and it is doing the same thing. I have not noticed this problem on ny phone. When it keeps downloading on my car radio it eats up all of my data. This really sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just updated my Spotify and same thing happened. Luckily I have recently gone to an unlimited data plan but this would have killed my data if I wasn't. Why are you removing my downloaded playlists and changing all of my settings when I update this app? Why hasn't Spotify responded to other people who are complaining about this? Do you want to force people to leave your community and to start using another companies app? I've been a paying member for several years, things like this makes me wonder what I am actually paying for. This is not acceptable!

I too am losing my downloaded music. I pay for the "premium" service, but it certainly isn’t premium when you have to re-download your offline music every 2 or 3 days. I see this has been going on for almost 3 years. I would say Spotify doesn’t care and has not fixed the problem. Anybody have a service they can recommend that doesn’t have these problems?

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