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"Your Library" redesign, where are my artists / albums??


"Your Library" redesign, where are my artists / albums??







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Android Oreo


My Question or Issue

 Hi, I have noticed yesterday thet when I clik on "my library" the menu changed. This has brought massive issues.


Within Music I can see a Playlist: "Favourite Songs", it seems this is complete but this not organized.

BUT when I go to Album or Artits tab (see attached) I can only see 9 artist!! Where is the rest! Also when I click on one artits it goes to the main Artist page, not to the songs of that artist saved on my library.


I do not like this change! How can I access my library properly organized by albums or artists like previously?


Hope it can be reverted back, I am not sure it will be worth the subscription if it is not fixed.





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Hey folks,


We appreciate your feedback on the recent Your Library update.


The best way to provide your feedback going forward is to add your vote to one of the following relevant ideas:

If you'd like to submit a different idea regarding Your Library, make sure to check out this Spotify Answer to see how to go about it.



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29 Replies

Same issue! Not only this but I can no longer go to an artist to see my songs unless I have a full album saved. Let’s say I have an artist I listen to all the time and have saved 5 of their songs but not an entire album. I can’t find those songs anymore unless I try to scroll through the favorite songs playlist (on which there are over 5k songs for me). 


Change it back to the old Spotify! I want to actually find my songs!

Yes, I have that problem as well! 


I was hoping it was a bug, but it seems like it might be a permanent, intended change.


I personally never understand when developers remove functionalities from software, particualrly essential ones, like sorting My Library database so I can find my songs! (particularly ones I don't remember I have and only re-discover when I browse my artists and albums)

This quoted from them:


"We're sorry for the confusion. The artists saved in your Library will be the ones you Follow. You'll also need to save the full album for it to appear in your saved albums. Everything seems to be behaving the way it should. Rest assured, we'll pass your feedback onto the right folks. Give us a shout if you need anything else."


SO is a changed they made. I disagree it is "the way it should"


I guess it might be time to move to Google Play Music. Wonderig whether it could be possible to access the data of my libary to move it?

This absolutely needs to be fixed. Almost ruins the service for me as I saved a ton of artists/songs without following.

I was hoping this was a setting I accidentally changed but I guess not. This renders this platform virtually useless to me as I generally use "artist" and "songs" to play music.  Great job spotify ! I will need to find another platform if it stays this way.  Absolutely terrible 

Really bad decision, i already purchased Apple Music, this change wont help anyone...

This changed feature is absolutely insane. I pay for Premium and I get this **bleep** adjustment? I absolutely do not want to save full albums for 1-2 songs from a single artist. This is truly mind blowing how your firm went out of there way to do this. 4000 songs and now I have 2 artists lol. Absolutely mind blowing. 

Also have this problem.

Totally ruins the experience for me as i'm not longer able to use the app in the same way.

If not addressed soon, will move to another music service -  I want to list to artists offline (not always whole albums at a time) and suffle listen to songs i've downloaded for offline.

Hey folks,


Thanks for giving us your feedback on this new feature.


You can always add your vote to this existing idea in the Community so we can gauge how many other Spotify users feel the same way.


Thanks! Take care 😉

Same here! This needs to be rectified ASAP or many members, myself included, will be cancelling their membership and going elsewhere. For all the reasons everyone else has mentioned here, this is not acceptable. You cannot expect to make such a drastic change such as this and not upset your customers. We are paying for this service and at the moment it is not fit for purpose! 

Please see sense and return things to the way they were.

Thank you.


We'll, at least your artists are listed alphabetically. Count yourself very lucky my friend!

My Artists list is in a completely random order with no option to sort alphabetically. It takes me ages to find anything now.

Spotify, this is not progress! If the old Library is not restored imminently I will have no option but to find another provider that actually let's me list my saved music in in some kind of order!!!

It's obvious Spotify is doing it to make money, push publicity for artists and force us to have entire albums. It's a horrible OI. I'm not paying for a premium service that forces me to "follow" an artist or be required to listen to an entire album. If this isn't fixed, you will lose tons of subscribers. Including myself. 

Hate this change. Always used artists to find songs, but now I just have some "recommended artists" tab that is not even alphabetical anymore. Terribble UI change, and something that's making me seriously consider changing providers.

Does anyone have an inside scoop on if this can/will be reversed before i jump over to Google?

I have the same issue. I was able to get around it by following all the artists that were “recommended” and had the green downloaded arrow next to it. 

Seems like the recommendations are based on this downloaded artist feature. A3E9E1CA-CFD5-4107-AB2E-AF3445F632AF.jpeg


To echo other comments I now have the entire album downloaded to my library even if previously I had only saved 1 or 2 songs from a particular album. 


Sounds like this is now intended behavior from Spotify. Perhaps an attempt to make the app more social by having to follow artists and see their updates etc...


I’m not a fan of this change. I loved Spotify because I could save only the songs I wanted from an artist for offline play. 

This is kind of hilarious. Have they not noticed the way that music libraries have been organized since the beginning of digital music? Pretty simple: Artist -> Album -> Songs. And ability to view in any of those views, or drill down.


Ive been a Spotify user since it was first released in Canada. But I'm seriously thinking of moving to another service because of this change. At least will be trying out other services.


Edit: I just signed up to try Apple Music, and your library is laid out that way there - nice and easy. Would recommend Spotify reconsider this change.

In the same boat as you all. The inability to easily scroll through my artists is a huge pain! I save a lot of music without following the artist (especially if the artists is no longer active!) and I don’t want to have to scroll through hundreds or thousands of artists to check out artists beginning with z.


The filter function isn’t a substitute unfortunately, as artists with more than 2 words get included when you filter by letter.


Really poor UX choice guys! Please bring back the alphabetical slider and include the artists I don’t follow under my artists.

I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that they thought this change made sense or the fact they have completely ignored all of the negative user feedback about it. Right now, it's just a amtter of deciding which other service to switch to unless this is changed ASAP.  Spotify clearly does not care about its users. 

Yeah, who ever had this idea doesn’t understand the concept of evolution. This is so many steps backwards It’s almost hard to believe. 


Why can’t i see all the artist I have? It makes NO SENSE AT ALL. 


I need to follow them? GET TO **bleep**.


this needs changed back ASAP. This is in NO WAY AN IMPROVEMENT. It’s honestly hard to believe that this has even happened Spotify you really should be ashamed and embarassed. 

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