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spotify doesn`t save to sd card


spotify doesn`t save to sd card



on my WIko Wax spotify is unable to save offline music to the sd card. Although the internal disk is full and there is plenty of space on the sd card spotify just says "disk is full". I also emtied the catch and deleted all data...doesn't help.


Thank you for your ideas!

297 Replies
Marked as solution

For anybody still having this issue, I found a simple solution. Has worked for me every time now.


1) Follow the other procedure(s) to delete Spotify data from the phone and SD card. Very simple.


2) Fill up the phone's internal memory to about 95% full. I used audio tracks, but video would be even easier. 

***This step is 100% necessary on my phone. I've tested it with a newly formatted phone and SD card 3 times now.


3) Install Spotify. Download songs. Finally, it works.

Hello, what could be happening if I did Exactly whay you wrote, BUT, I couldnt finde any folder called ???

@Anibal_Gordon wrote:
Hello, what could be happening if I did Exactly whay you wrote, BUT, I couldnt finde any folder called ???

Have you already uninstalled the app? The guide linked below shows the correct path to look for (don;t forget to check both internal memory as well as the SD card).


If the folders don;t exist then you're all good and can forget about it.

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

all i did was uninstall the app and re installed it and it was fine. just make a note of the storage on the phone and sd card then download a few albums and see which one changes.

Can you tell me where the music goes when i downloade it? I can't find it anywhere... 😕

Where is the downloaded music... i Can't find it anywhere... i searched whole  SD Card and Internal?

It's encrypted so you won't be able to search using track names etc... however it's located in the folder /Android/data/ on ether you SD card or internal (depending on where your cache is set to)

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

The cash is on SD Card... but is that mean that i can't listen the music that i downloaded in other Music Players... ?

Hi @acazeljic99

The Spotify app will only play the music cached/streamed by the Spotify app or servers. It does not access locally stored music on your device or music from other players. In the same way other players cannot play Spotfy cached data (due to the encryption)

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

you can open spotify on any device tha as internet and the music will be there for you to listen to. but if you want to listen off line you'll av to download it to each device

it will have a green icon next to the song if its downloaded. it will stay on spotify, it wun download anywhere else on your phone.

The Spotify app will allow you to play local music stored on your device as a music file (i.e. mp3, flac, etc), it just will not allow you to play music cached from other services.  Spotify does not actually store a song per se on your device, it stores a cached file of the song, however, it also allow you to use Spotify as your standard music player for all your music files you personally have stored on the device as that perhaps came from CD's, recordings, tapes, etc.!/article/Listen-to-local-files


I've got an 8GB sd card and followed all your steps. Spotify started to download music to my SD card but once it used 2GB it failed. The songs that were supposedly downloaded were showing as "waiting to download". When I jump started the download again (by clicking the offline button off and on), it started to download to my internal storage. :(. Please help! I'm all out of ideas

Not being able to simply choose place is a bad choice. Not only bad but ... stupid.
Marked as solution

Torrented mp3 i can put wherever. I guess I will be going back to that.

Thus is a ridiculous way to make the app store data on an SD drive. How can you take money and then offer such a 'solution'. Will I be able to order playlist songs on Android. .. ever?

This worked for me.  Now all downloaded cache is saving to SD card.  

I did as you suggested... I cleared the app data.. Uninstalled it and reinstalled it as well... When i went back to system settings... There was no option asking if to move to sd card or not..... I followed each and every step including powering the phone off and on..... What should i do now?

I bought a SD card for this and it's impossible to get it done. Reinstalled twice, last time even filled the phone with stuff, checked for the system folder and it keeps using the phone storage no matter what! And what is that solution for a paying customer? System folders!? What's the point of unlimited downloads with high quality? What's the point of paying for that matter?

I'm using a BQ Aquaris E5, by the way.

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