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comment, sort of complaint re: queue


comment, sort of complaint re: queue

About a year ago, I had to completely change the way I listened to my podcasts because they didn't just play in order from oldest to newest anymore when I hit play on an episode - I was forced to start using the queue and spotify help seemed to deliberately misunderstand what I was asking for no matter how many ways I tried to phrase it. All of a sudden, today, with no warning, I open up my app (on MacOS) and my queue is wiped clean because they've finally figured out that people (it can't just be me) often like to listen to podcasts in order from oldest to newest, so that works, but I can't put episodes into the queue anymore, which kind of makes the queue button useless (for me). Dear spotify, please don't tell me you can't do a thing, train me to listen to things the way you want me to, and then do the thing.

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