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Classical New Releases: Spotify Picks

Classical New Releases: Spotify Picks

What happened to this playlist?  It was one of my favorite things about Spotify and for the last several weeks it has been missing (no change in the playlist).



14 Replies

I suppose you mean this one:

I am wondering about that, too. In the description it still says "updated every friday" but the last change was made on March 1st.

One of my favourite playlists, I hope it doesn't get lost.

I am wondering the same thing about this playlist.  I would check in every Friday morning.  It was one of my favorite features.  Hope it is updated soon.

Agree! Yo, Spotify, what happened to it? On vaycay or gone for good? Please respond.

The list got updated yesterday. Hooray!

It is certainly back but there is a different emphasis on the type of music being played there now. A lot of ”soft instrumental” music, not necessarily classical. Something has gone awry...

I would charactorize the music now on the Classical New Releases more as "New Age" with perhaps a classical influence.  But cerainly not the same pure classical music that I have enjoyed on this playlist over the last four years.


That's too bad.  I hope that they will bring back pure classical.

Indeed ! This playlist was one of my favorite features. I was always looking forward to it every Friday, but now...? it’s pretty much useless! Mainly a selection of New Age nonsense.  Very disapointing 😞

Yep, it's back but is now mixed with a bunch of "new age"-like fluff that's really out of place. I reached out to Spotify support and the agent agreed to pass this thread onto the maintainers of the playlist.

I have to agree with the other posters that the changes made to the character of this playlist are very disappointing. Every week I was looking forward to the selection of new releases which always seemed to have a good mix of different classical genres. It was very enjoyable to listen to and to discover new things. I suppose the new style has been implemented to appeal to a wider audience; but there are already plenty of lists with a more popular bent on classical music. Please bring the old style with its wider range of classical music, I am sure there are many others who miss it as well.

I agree - the Classical New Releases playlist has really gone downhill.  "The World of Hanz Zimmer"?  Really?  I don't want to have to listen to "The Lion King Suite" and other such stuff in order to hear the new classical releases are on Spotify.  Same goes for the other so-called new age stuff that is being programmed on this playlist.  I hope someone from Spotify is monitoring this thread....

There has been some improvements on this playlist in the recent weeks, so thanks to whoever has been curating it. I welcome the emphasis on the classical and modern repertoire as well as the occasional foray into instrumental music that now seems to have become the standard content of the playlist. 50+ songs to go through feels a little too much for me every week and I'd be happier if the releases woudl limit themselves to albums. But I'd say the changes from when this discussion started are positive.

I can't help but feel that the Classical New Releases playlist has become a dumping ground for soundtracks and new-age music. I don't mind some challenging, 20th and 21st century music mixed into a "classical" list, but I'd rather not have to wade through Howard Shore or Hans Zimmer or James Newton Howard work to find it. Please, Spotify - create a New Soundtrack Release playlist and a New New Age Playlist so that this playlist doesn't become so frustrating. For a while there, it was looking like someone was smartly curating this list. Not anymore....

With all of the classical music college graduates you would think that Spotify could hire someone capable of rendering a pure classical playlist.

That was the case about a year ago. Now the list is adulterated with New Age and soundtracks.

Very disappointing.

I created another post since no one seems to be paying attention to this thread. This week it's particularly bad.

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