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Classical music, not opera

Classical music, not opera

I like classical music, but not opera. The opera I hate. Is there any way to remove the opera in artist, radios or playlist? For example, indicating in the search:

    "classic -opera",

    "Mozart -opera", etc. 

Any alternative way?
Thank you

1 Reply

Hi @Pepelu26007, welcome to the Community!


Currently, it's not possible to exclude a type of song like that while searching, but a similar idea was created here. If you agree with the content in this Idea, I'd recommend you to add your vote there.


However, the way you mentioned is a little different(being able to exclude it while searching by using the "-" command), feel free to create a new Idea more detailed about your suggestion here. This will allow users, Stars, and Moderators to vote and comment on it.


Have a lovely day! 🙂

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