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Lyrics unavailable

Lyrics unavailable






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My Question or Issue

Lyrics to most songs have been unavailable since I bought a new computer. My previous computer was also Windows so I don't know why it should be an issue. Songs I know for a fact I had access to the lyrics of previously now say "Looks Like We Don't Have the Lyrics for This Song." but some songs do still have lyrics, so I know it's not a universal issue.


11 Replies

Hey hey @sagevj


Welcome to our Community, we`re so happy to see you!


Our mission is to provide music for everyone and in an ideal world we could have every note and lyric accessible to everyone. In reality though things are much easier said than done as the music and lyric rights to songs constantly change and lyrics that were available may suddenly not be. Availability can also vary between countries.


Is it on a specific song you noticed lyrics were missing or is has the feature stopped working completely? And if on a certain song hopefully it won't be too long before the lyrics reappear.


Let us know how it goes!

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It is on about 50%-75% of songs that I remember previously having lyrics that have now disappeared. The feature is not gone completely but it isn't only a select few. I would have an easier time listing which still have lyrics.






Google Pixel 4a

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My Question or Issue


Guys, maybe this issue can be answered very easily. The thing is that a number of songs don't have lyrics added in Spotify, it's fine. But there are songs with "hidden" lyrics: when I check the given song's lyrics in Musixmatch, I find them fully added, synced, even tagged there (I even see who made the contributions). But in the Spotify app they don't show. It seems that I have the latest version of the app. I know that there's a gap between the time of the adding and that of the actual appearance in third-party platforms, but in many cases months have passed between the two.


This is a good example. In the browser I can see the unformatted lyrics. In the app I see nothing.


Any suggestions?





My case is a little bit different. I didn't even know that lyrics are also available in the desktop version. Many lyrics are unavailable through my Android-based cell phone. And even if I add and sync the lyrics via Musixmatch and I get thanks for doing it, they would not be visible to me even after days.

Hey @RnBAmbassador


Thanks for getting back to us. 


We cannot be sure how long it will take for Musixmatch to verify and implement the lyrics that are contributed by users. As mentioned, there are many factors in place which enable or disable our right to provide lyrics. Hopefully the lyrics will be available soon. 


Have a nice one.

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It turns out that the verification process through which submitted lyrics usually go through is currently put on a hold. Thus, lyrics submitted by anyone other than the so-called curators won't get through.

Hey @RnBAmbassador


Thanks for getting back to us and letting us know. We'd suggest trying later on to see if your submissions will go through. 



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This has helped with a few of my questions but the main one isn't on the lack of lyrics, it's a lack of lyrics on songs that previously had them. I am positive that a majority of songs I listen to had lyrics visible. The lyric button is still available but it gives me the "no lyrics" message now, even though they previously showed lyrics. Has there been lyric removal for some reason recently or is this just my computer? As I said, it started when I switched laptops, so I'm unsure if it's a device or update issue.

Yes, this is a curious case. I had the same issue some months ago with many lyrics that had been displayed before just simply gone. It took several months for them to come back. I did nothing.

Thanks for returning, @sagevj.


If a song doesn't have lyrics available, then you shouldn't see the lyrics button in the desktop app and you can give it a clean reinstall as there may be some corrupted cached files that are causing issues. You can check out the steps here.


You can always test if you're able to see the lyrics on selected song(s) on a different device.


Should you need help with anything else, we're here 🙂

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Thank you but unfortunately upon redownloading it more lyrics have disappeared. I can download it on another device to test though, that's a good idea.

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