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Presale Concert Tickets


Presale Concert Tickets

Fans First emails are our way of thanking our artists’ biggest Spotify fans with unique or exclusive offers. Previous treats have included:

  • Access to presale tickets for upcoming concerts.
  • Access to exclusive merch items not available anywhere else.
  • Invites to special artist events.

If you want to get your hands on a Spotify Presale Concert Code you have to do the following to be eligilble (a code is not guaranteed):


1.  Log into your account page's notification settings to make sure you’ve opted in to Artist Updates emails.

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2. Make sure we have your correct email address here. If there's a spelling mistake in your email then you won't get the code. 


Please know these campaigns are run on a first come first serve basis, so it’s possible that it may be full. You can contact the ticket company running the presale to check this.


If you've received one of these emails, congratulations!


Spotify Presale Ticket FAQs:


Do I have to have a Premium account to be eligilble?

Nope, these offers are open to everyone with a Spotify account.


My code or the ticket link doesn't work. 

If your code or the ticket link doesn't work, you’ll need to get in touch with the ticketing company running this offer.


I followed the ticket link in the presale email but I can't see the presale option? 


These campaigns are run on a first come first serve basis, so it’s possible that it may be full. You can contact the ticket company running the presale to check this.


I took advantage of the presale for a concert but have not yet received my ticket.

Spotify is not involved with the delivery of tickets. You’ll need to contact the ticket provider for more info.


Can I cancel/ refund a presale ticket?

We don’t handle purchasing for presale ticket offers, so it’s best to contact the companies responsible. The email you received about the offer should include a link to the correct ticketing company. They can help with:

  • Code issues.
  • Shipping/Delivery questions.
  • Cancellation/refunds.
358 Replies


I'm not sure I can become even more of a super fan of Sam Hunt!! Been listening non stop for 3 years!!! I would love a pre sale ticket code 🙂

I strictly listen to Muse. How much do you need to stream? They're all I listen to. And when does said email get sent out? It's Feb 6 and the Spotify presale is Feb 9??

Yeah... there is apparently no such thing as pre-Sale tickets. I smell marketing made-up-stuff here...

I've actually gotten two emails for presale tickets in my area already for Catfish and the Bottlemen and The 1975. I think the top fans are based on a percentage like the more popular the artist, the harder to become a top fan. I think it's a cool concept, just with it's kinks.

How far in advance of the sale did you receive the email?

I received it the day before the pre ticket sale ended.

I am an avid listen to ARIZONA and they are on Spotify pre-sale starting today 2/15/17 to a show at Neumos in Seattle on 6/20/17. Can you please hook me up with the code? Im surprised I didnt recieve one via push or email.




When do codes get sent out in relation to the time of presale?

Spotify recently sent me the presale code for a Sturgill Simpson concert. The presale started at 10:00. I didn't received the email until 10:08 and almost missed it. I assume they sent the code at that time to avoid having it widely dispersed before the presale began. Though Spotify says that the codes are unique to each listener, this code was generic. 

sounds prettty stupid to me.  makes me wanna boycott your app

flume red rocks presale code?? he is on my most listened to and i still don't have a code. not very fair as i am a premium member.

I listen to Shawn Mendes almost everyday for many hours. I did not even know this was a thing till now. How many hours would be considered enough for a "Super Fan". 

This is the first time I have ever heard of the Spotify Pre-Sale. I just found out my favourite artist, Banks, is coming to DC June 7th, and when I went to see how much tickets were, I saw the GA Spotify Pre-Sale starts TOMORROW at 10am. I am a premium member, and I am wondering how can I get this code!? 

Just put out a post just as you did.

i had an oldl email on my spotify account and recently changed it. I was wondering if i can get a code sent to me new email.

I have been a Spotify subsricber for years. Listen and download many Heavy Metal artisits to BPM and Rap etc,. I have never received a code for a pre-sale and very dissappoint that I am paying for this service and not being sent codes. Particular, going on a road trip to the US and wanted to see Slayer in Seattle.

 Not a fair deal not having Spotify sending me codess.



Considering there are days that I listen to Michael Franti exclusively for hours on end on my Spotify Premium account, yet I did not receive a code for the Spotify Presale on tickets, I think the way these are determined needs to be reevaluated.

I've had spotify premium for several years and have used it to access a lot of different music but have maintained the same core lineup of artists and bands as fleeting musical tastes have waned and my loyalty to certain genres and styles has persisted. There are probably 10 different bands that I have listened to religiously through spotify and I have never received a presale invite. I was hoping that this was due to the fact that the bands I liked never had this arrangement with spotify, but now fleet foxes have a presale that starts this morning and I did not receive the code despite them being on heavy rotation. I strongly recommend you consider whether this service alienates more customers or demonstrates value because if the number of presale codes you can distribute is limited then you are in bad need of a more equitable way to award them. Perhaps allow all fans to request presale codes and then award them out like a raffle so it seems less like you are individually picking the lucky few... people will feel less slighted as I do right now. Strongly considering what other options are available to me in the streaming music world because clearly my premium payment doesnt equate to premium access.

This is so stupid. I use spotify to explore new artists. All my favorite artists I own the phyical material and liten to it through that. Poor marketing. Another reason to cancel in a week.

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