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Presale Concert Tickets


Presale Concert Tickets

Fans First emails are our way of thanking our artists’ biggest Spotify fans with unique or exclusive offers. Previous treats have included:

  • Access to presale tickets for upcoming concerts.
  • Access to exclusive merch items not available anywhere else.
  • Invites to special artist events.

If you want to get your hands on a Spotify Presale Concert Code you have to do the following to be eligilble (a code is not guaranteed):


1.  Log into your account page's notification settings to make sure you’ve opted in to Artist Updates emails.

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2. Make sure we have your correct email address here. If there's a spelling mistake in your email then you won't get the code. 


Please know these campaigns are run on a first come first serve basis, so it’s possible that it may be full. You can contact the ticket company running the presale to check this.


If you've received one of these emails, congratulations!


Spotify Presale Ticket FAQs:


Do I have to have a Premium account to be eligilble?

Nope, these offers are open to everyone with a Spotify account.


My code or the ticket link doesn't work. 

If your code or the ticket link doesn't work, you’ll need to get in touch with the ticketing company running this offer.


I followed the ticket link in the presale email but I can't see the presale option? 


These campaigns are run on a first come first serve basis, so it’s possible that it may be full. You can contact the ticket company running the presale to check this.


I took advantage of the presale for a concert but have not yet received my ticket.

Spotify is not involved with the delivery of tickets. You’ll need to contact the ticket provider for more info.


Can I cancel/ refund a presale ticket?

We don’t handle purchasing for presale ticket offers, so it’s best to contact the companies responsible. The email you received about the offer should include a link to the correct ticketing company. They can help with:

  • Code issues.
  • Shipping/Delivery questions.
  • Cancellation/refunds.
358 Replies

I've been listening to Fleet Foxes and Animal Collective for years and was sad to see that I hadn't made the presale before all the scalpers snag them in 5 minutes.

I've recently gotten a few presale codes several hours after the presale started...obviously all the tickets are sold out by then. Any way to resolve this?

Do you need to be a premium subscriber to qualify?

 Anyone have the pre sale code fro Spoon?


I just received an email from Spotify sayin' I can pick up two tickets for the Bruno Mars show in Ziggo Dome (Amsterdam, 09 may 2017). They say I can get tickets at a collection point, but which and where are these collection points? 




Hey there,


If the collection point information is not in the email, would there happen to be any information in the email you received about the ticket seller? You might try contacting the ticket seller for directions of the pre-sale collection point location if this information is vague or missing for some reason in the email?

This really seems like an unfair practice. My husband and I have been premium Spotify users for a few years now and the Spotify pre-sale codes have never been sent to us for our favorite artists that we listen to INCESSANTLY on Spotify. I've never met anymore more obsessed with Fleet Foxes than my husband and we were utterly disappointed to be left out of a pre-sale code for their upcoming shows. How big of a fan to you have to be of particular artists and Spotify in general in order to get a perk?


This person has nailed it. What do you have to do to warrant presale tickets? what consititutes in the eyes of spotify that you are a loyal enough fan? Fleet Foxes are my favourite band. I listen to them regularly, I follow them on spotify, I've waited ages for a chance to see them... and no presale offer. 


-Another loyal patron.

Niko Suave (Nick Neva) is a superfan of Fleet Foxes!! Plz send me a presale code so we can be together at the Moody Theater...just one nite....pleeease! Much luv

Did u recieve those tickets

So this is a random thing? I'm a premium subscriber and I listen to The Shins and Spoon regularly. So you're saying that it's random that I may be selected to receive the presale code? That is very strange. 




How soon before the presale starts should you expect an email with the code? I'm not sure if i'm not getting an email because they haven't been sent yet or because I'm not eligible!

I've been a paid subscriber since you came to the United States and I've never received a code for any artist. I tend to listen to bands that come to smaller theaters in my town which is exactly the type of bands that you offer presale codes for. 

What gives?

I'm not sure exactly how they give out the codes, but it's a great service for anyone lucky enough to get one. 

I'm a premium member and I would like to buy tickets using Spotify presale for Cafe Tacuba 9/22. Please advise!

Here at being a Spotify Premium member since 2012, I think this is pretty horse**bleep** that you're all vague and "too bad, so sad" if you're going to be giving out presale.  Either send them to everyone who likes a certain band, or send them to **bleep**all.


This is infuriating. 



No. Spotify needs to make it crystal clear how they allocate advance purchase tickets.

I need it too!  Please send me the code.

I have been a premium member for over 2 years now and have never received a pre-sale code. I recently found out Spotify does this. I go to many live shows and I enjoy listening to live music. What does Spotify consider as a super fan? I listen to Kaleo all the time and they are coming into Austin soon. I really want to see them live and I have been since their album came out. How does Spotify decide which customers get the pre sale code? I listen to them obsessively and I have yet to receive anything.

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