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Presale Concert Tickets


Presale Concert Tickets

Fans First emails are our way of thanking our artists’ biggest Spotify fans with unique or exclusive offers. Previous treats have included:

  • Access to presale tickets for upcoming concerts.
  • Access to exclusive merch items not available anywhere else.
  • Invites to special artist events.

If you want to get your hands on a Spotify Presale Concert Code you have to do the following to be eligilble (a code is not guaranteed):


1.  Log into your account page's notification settings to make sure you’ve opted in to Artist Updates emails.

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2. Make sure we have your correct email address here. If there's a spelling mistake in your email then you won't get the code. 


Please know these campaigns are run on a first come first serve basis, so it’s possible that it may be full. You can contact the ticket company running the presale to check this.


If you've received one of these emails, congratulations!


Spotify Presale Ticket FAQs:


Do I have to have a Premium account to be eligilble?

Nope, these offers are open to everyone with a Spotify account.


My code or the ticket link doesn't work. 

If your code or the ticket link doesn't work, you’ll need to get in touch with the ticketing company running this offer.


I followed the ticket link in the presale email but I can't see the presale option? 


These campaigns are run on a first come first serve basis, so it’s possible that it may be full. You can contact the ticket company running the presale to check this.


I took advantage of the presale for a concert but have not yet received my ticket.

Spotify is not involved with the delivery of tickets. You’ll need to contact the ticket provider for more info.


Can I cancel/ refund a presale ticket?

We don’t handle purchasing for presale ticket offers, so it’s best to contact the companies responsible. The email you received about the offer should include a link to the correct ticketing company. They can help with:

  • Code issues.
  • Shipping/Delivery questions.
  • Cancellation/refunds.
358 Replies

Really looking to get a pre-sale code for Foo Fighters in Pittsburgh. Love them, saw them before and have a playlist as a warmup for the concert!

As a Foo Fighter fan, and I have a family plan and have 2 other users who make it look like I don’t listen to them, I can’t understand why I don’t have a presale code. 


I actually find this exclusive code practice unsavoury. All Spotify members should have an opportunity to presale tickets. 

As a Spotify member I can NOT understand why I am unable to recieve the presale code. I don't expect to recieve any of the exta giveaways, mini offers,etc. they offer. I'm a super fan just trying to get the presale code. Where do I find the code ? I have a Capital Credit card and that code  worked but the tickets are not on the floor. Being in a wheelchair I prefer to be in the GA pit where it is flat. Today, was the FF fan presale. I received the code. All seats in the stands and are unavailable to me unless I want to resell them, no thanks. Now Spotify, Can you send me a presale code before tomorrow at 10 am, so I can go see the FF up close and live?

Sincerely Pissed,


presale code NOT solved. I must be a model Spotify fan... I send time working and  going to shows and my girl. You want me to be a top sopify listener for a presale.? NO TIME in life , yet..



When is the pre sale code for the Foo Fighters at Jones Beach on 7/14 going to be issued? The tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 am. SOLVE THAT QUESTION !


Possible codes:











Would love pre-sale Foo Fighters ticket code for Bossier City concert at CenturyLink Center on 4/22/27!! Please!!

Looking for Foo Fighters tickets presale code for Jones Beach on seven
Dash 14 Dash 17, it would be nice to have one person out there that would
has the pre-sale code. Such large audience it figure somebody to have it

Same here 😞

I am an avid MØ listener and super fan as Spotify likes to call it and I did not recieve a presale code which is extremely upsetting. Disappointed with such a great music app !

ME TOO! I want my Boston Code!

Okay Spotify, what in the F*CK?! So I just got a presale code for Bahamas. I listened to 3 songs last week , and thats probably all I've listened to of him all year... and I get a code for being a fan, yet I dont get a code for any of the other artists I listen to daily?! No METZ. No Death From Above. No Queens of the Stone Age. Your presale code thing MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO ME!!!! 

Trying to figure out how to get these tickets, help???!

 Unfortunately you have to be a Music fan, Spotify has side which music you listen to according to your listening record. If you listen to enough music on Spotify and the sky opens up then they might give you a presale code. I don’t even think they give good seats.  Luck has nothing to do with it. I’m happy that the Foo Fighters me Spotify pay $20,000 to them for the Ray to give Al the sale goes for site tickets. Tickets will be on sale on the third we will chime in at 10 AM is the standard time and scores 

I listen to WEEZER all the time.  I didn't get a presale code last time they came to Nashville.  I better get one this time or I'm switching to SoundCloud!

So, dispite Typhoon being my TOP ARTIST, I might not get a concernt presale code? That just seems silly.

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I am really annoyed as well for not gettng AWOLNation presale code.  It is practically my all time fave band.. If anyone has a code for the event in Portland, OR - PLEASE share.

I received NOTHING….. Sqwatt from spoterfier…. SQUATT

I listen to DVSN obsessively. I’m talking all day everyday and I didn’t receive a code for their presale tomorrow. I really don’t understand how I could listen more. This algorithm definitely needs to be looked at. 

Anyone have Spotify presale code for DVSN?

How does one dictate that i've streamed content enough. I know the artist ive listened to the moat on spotify is maxwell and i didnt receive a pre-sale code when he was on tour. I honestly think you all need to rethink the qualifiations for receiving perks from spotify. It would make sense that premium members are only eligible and those that follow and artist and so on can receive perks.

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