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New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS


New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS

Hello Spotify users,


This thread is for the community who have been selected to test the new web player design.


I've noticed that there is a great change probably hinting at spotify getting rid of some features and adding new ones. It is very important that the users of spotify give feedback to these new changes.



- Save feature needs to be added. The save feature needs to be added back on albums and singles. 

- Interactive profiles. Profiles arent interactive anymore. I seen the riddence of public playlists on profiles and what artists users are listening too. It would be nice to actually improve the profiles picture and make contacting and connecting to other users easy.

- Make accessibility to playlists and customization to playlist easier. Because of the new bulky UI it is hard to find what you're looking for.

- Make the UI less bulky-- the colors are nice, the design is nice, but it would be easier if it was efficient. The UI is too bulky, like the songs get overcrowded when listening to an album or playlist.


Any more feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments are welcomed. If you are a visitor, it is nice to see your feedback as you will be using this UI or help develop it. 🙂


THE NEW WEBPLAYER: Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png


Please, like I said, leave feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments. They are all welcomed.


You can contact me or follow me on these various platforms:

Spotify - @Yxngmeezy

Instagram - @Yxngmeezy

Snapchat - @Yxngmeezy

Twitter - @Yxng_meezy

E-mail -


thank you. 🙂

Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png
686 Replies

I was going to give my thoughts on this new design, but it seems most of what I would have said has already been said here multiple times, and clearly they don't value feedback very highly as nothing was changed in the months since this was announced. Do the people who develop Spotify even use the service themselves? There are so many nonsensical decisions made in this design, there's no way someone who actually uses Spotify would be fine with programming and releasing this.

This completly ruined spotify to me, Where is the radio function? That is the main reason i used the webplayer. All my stations are gone and the search function doesnt even work! all i get is the ability to listen to stuff on genres and moods. I keep getting errors saying "oops something went wrong with the playlist" and makes me reload the page. All in all this is a massive deprovement and we would all love an option to switch back to the old player. the only reason most of us use spotify is for that old player and now its gone so alot of the webplayer people are going to be looking for alternatives. Why fix what isnt broken? most of the people who had this "update" forced on them are really upset. I hope the devs realize this problem and revert back to the reason we all loved spotify. because as of right now, none of us are.

Please revert to the original design, or at the very least please take the old features and add them in here. I have noticed that now we are unable to put our playlists on 'shuffle' and 'repeate' at the same time. Now it's one or the other, either shuffle and have to play the whole thing again manually (inconvienient if you're driving) or replay and have the same songs in the same order every time. Not the most desireable choice.

I appreciate the fact that there is a feedback thread for this, because I'm 100% not a fan of this new UI. I am not averse to change, if something needs fixing I can appreciate going through and revamping. I see no reason to have changed what was there, except maybe change the visuals a tiny bit. Before in the web player I could have one page open, Albums under My Music, and listen to anything I wanted. Now, Albums only shows full albums, and I have to search or sift through the Songs menu if I just want one song off an album but don't want to save the whole thing. I just had 4 ads play in a row in the middle of really getting into the music, and all of them were varying volumes and completely different tones than the music I was listening to and completely ruined getting into the music. I had to zoom out to 75% of the screen to feel comfortable with the huge images and everything, it's just too much. I'd like to opt out of this if I can, if not I think I might just stop using spotify because if I'm going to hassle with a program I should be able to use without trouble there's no point in using it.

The new design does not work for me. Impossible to read anything. I have been using the web player every day without any issues, but with the new version, i get this error:




Agh! I hate everything about this update but the worst thing by far is only full albums showing up in the albums tab.

Im sorry i can use this.This is look useless. I see nothing -,- and button are so much big and look bad and now i must to use on the internet exlorer because i can use the old design here -,- and must to use 2 app because i want to use Google Chrome -,- Please give a little chance for a old design because I can't get used to -,-

This whole thing is awful.


For some reason I can't even click shuffle or loop, so that's nice.  Can't add songs to queue either.  I also love the constant "download the app" on the side even though I **bleep**ing have it already.


Please add opt out so we can escape from your new web player.  Spotify **bleep** the bed and can't stop rolling around in it now.

EDIT: Turns out the shuffle button does work when I input, but in spotify's infinite wisdom the button doesn't highlight or change to acknowledge the different setting.

they don't work to me either, i am so happy i left spotify, i come only for the comments! the new ui gave food for the competitors. I am a Deezer happy user!

By the way maybe it is a bug because when you put your mouse on them it says that to Enable or Disable it. So i guess if it says "Disable Shuffle" when you click it disabling it and it says when you hover the mouse over "Enable Shuffle". Who knows...

Simply put, the ui devs refusing to let us go back to the old player essentially is forcing spotify to commit suicide. It may not bleed to death, as there are likely people who have never even used the web player, but quite a lot of us do and so in completely trashing a great design and replacing it with...well...trash....they have basically killed their own servace, as I doubt the few people who don't use the web player at all AND have spotify premium will be enough usage to keep the service going, because all us web player listeners? We're all leaving, and I'm pretty sure that the responses in this thread make that clear. Spotify devs, give us back the old player or mark my words, you guys are gonna have a dead company on your hands, because at this rate soon there won't  be enough spotify listeners to keep your company going. Even if you don't care about what we think, maybe you'll care about your company enough to fix this?

This new design made me really frustrated and I almost wept when i could not do things I usually do (these little user "hacks") and most of my albums were gone. Nooo please. I am so sad.


Colors? I dont care! Black was awesome, thaks to black background CD covers popped up, now I am lost in colors.


Pls give me option to change language. I dont want czech but english menu and everything. Be so king.


When i clicked on album and list of songs popped out, the list did not cover whole surface - so you colud see other albums behind at the left side. And when I wanted to close the open list i just clicked somewhere in that area at the left side (where you saw other albums). List closed, lets chose another one. Easy, quick, perfect. And now? I was confused how to get back. How to close a list? I have to travel with cursor to the "back arrow" of browser. Such a long way to go. 


And that loooong player at the bottom? Really? Are u sure? Too small CD cover somewhere far at the left ... some other features far at the right. It may look cool, but the old player was great. Small but accurate.


I dont want to save whole albums. I just like some of the songs (sometimes only one song). So pls dont force me to save whole albums. Thanks to this i lost all of my partly saved albums.


Sorry if I am bit rude but this was a real shock for me. I know redesign is not easy and making great, usable and user friendly UI is like alchemy. I hope that the new web player is still in development and that we all will be satisfied with the result. But for now I want old player back. Pleeeeas.

I don't think so they will give it back the old UI. We are almost 25 people at work that they used web player to listen music because we are unable to install the app due to restrictions. It started the new UI with me and 7 others... now we are talking we are 25/25 with the new UI. So i went to Deezer and so the others, it was a little bit hard to remake some playlists but it is ok. I am not saying i will "stuck" with Deezer(is awesome too by the way) until Spotify surprise me withe a f****ng better UI. After this UI the respect from users by the Spotify dropped a lot. Now that they are at the bottom they need the triple effort to make a f****ng usable UI, for now i am waiting an even BETTER UI than this and the old, i demand better for all paid and free users.


Then i maybe return.

For now...


The design is great, but why would you guys just REMOVE important stuff like the add/remove button and the the queue function?


And where is the option to play all playlists inside a folder togheter on the android app? This was the the main reason I chose spotify for.


I got so upset with the unwanted changes I started Deezer's trial period and might just stay there.


When you have users that pay monthly for your service, changing key functionalities like that is completely disrespectful. Even if you plan to bring it back later. I'm paying for a period where I'll not be able to use Spotify as I intended to. 

I spend about an hour at work first trying to figure out why my spotify page didnt work anymore, than where my radios vanished to and lastly (what brought me here) how to get the old design back.

I probably wouldn´t even be here complaining, if all the functions from the old player existed in the new one. But, as of now, the main function I am using (Radio) just doesn´t exist anymore and there is no realy useable alternativ function.

The new design is obnoxiously huge, as others have pointed out. It seems almost like a design change in the line of Windows 7 to Windows 8. I also have to agree that I liked the black far better than this new "colorful" design. It shouldn´t be that hard to give us an option for the color sheme (if I can do it with a bit of CSS manipulation, it should be even easier for you).

The Settings also seem to "work" in only a really limited way.


All in all it looks and feels as if the alpha version of the new design was pushed to all users before it was fully implemented/converted from the old one.


Best case: Spotify will this this stupidity fast.

Worst case: There certainly are more fish in the sea.

You morons have had three months worth of feedback, telling you that this new design was absolutely awful, complete dog**bleep**, and yet you forced it upon the community regardless?


Not only did you gut a vast majority of the features that actually made your web player useful, you **bleep**ing made everything hideous to boot. What a load of **bleep**ing stupidity, the likes of which I have not witnessed since I was stationed in Ft. Hood, surrounded by **bleep**ing Privates.


Fix your **bleep**ing **bleep**, Spotify. Until you do, I'm no longer paying for Premium. I refuse to use this new web player. I'll download all of my songs on my phone using an app that actually works, for both phone and computer.


  • No play stats
  • Too hard to navigate
  • No connection


Spotify, what have you done with the web player?! It's awful!!! Don't fix what's not broken!

I don't even know how to get the Artist radio to work now. I can get it to play a single artist but not all the related artists I could before. Literally the only reason I have a Spotify account. Anyone know if there is a way to get that working in the new trash UI? It looks like you can only do it from the Desktop app. Looks like this design was to force people to use a needless desktop app? Definitely killed the ability to use Spotify at work because most professional companies, mine included, dont allow personal software on work computers.


Was about to buy premium, not happening now.

I don't have the ui 😛

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