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10,000 song limit

10,000 song limit

This is more just a plea to the people at spotify:


Why have you put a limit on how many songs we can have in our own music? It just makes no sense!! I've filled up my 10,000 song limit allowance already and now want to save more music but can't.


The quicker this can be changed the better as I am seriously considering cancelling my subscription



254 Replies

Honestly, I thought so too. But I think my first post is a couple years old... and they have lost ... they just don't care

I don't think we should really continue to support them. I'm on amazon... i'm happy... but i won't fault you one bit for going apple either.... they're good too

Hey All!

Thanks for your thoughts! Spotify's all ears and is always looking to improve the user experience. If your collection is so awesome that you've reached the 10,000 song limit in your library, you can use Playlists to store your remaining music - they can store unlimited songs 🙂 Find out how to create a playlist here:

Help Spotify know that this is what you'd love to see by voting up on this idea over at the Ideas Exchange: 🙂

Cheers all!

Or ya know you can just increase the limit. Shouldn't it just be seamless instead of error messages then someone has to research then read 23 pages of a forum post then spend more time organizing a new playlist? Streaming music is a crowded space spotify should be doing everything to keep their customers happy.


                  >>  You can use Playlists . . . .


Playlists alone fail.  You know that.


To make Playlists work on "awesome" collections of 250K tracks, you have to block Spotify updates and install the player which gives you completely sortable by album and filterable by [any text] subsets that you can play in AlbumTrackOrder or shuffle without repeats-- as you desire.


My friends, including some documentation over at the RedditSpotifyWiki, showed me how to do it.


Are there other successful approaches to building, maintaining, and playing 250K unique track collections?-- whether or not they are "awesome" my friends add.


Hi there,


Thanks for your feedback, if you wish to suggest this as a feature please suggest it in the relevant forum.


Many thanks,


And can I ask who you are and if you work for Spotify could you point me to the “Relevant Forum”
I will assume that it is titled “For Spotify to Ignore because we are Plain Arrogant and Rich”

How refreshing it would be if this company could just answer a question in a polite and concise manner. Even if it is to explain why the limit can’t be lifted.

This really needs to be changed. I stream music and I easily hit 10,000. I don't need to be going from playlist trying to find a song. This insane.

It's obvious Spotify doesn't know how to run it's site, or simply doesn't care about it's customers.

It's always something with them, dropping songs from albums, and now this.

Get it together Spotify if you're going to call yourself a music site!

Ever hear of streamig music?  SAD!

Now if an artist comes out with a new album in order to keep them together I have to delete songs and start up a new playlist instaed of just adding it. That's crazy!


To reiterate my view and echo the thoughts of others on here I agree wih
people who are hitting their 10K limit and am aware there are other
platforms there that allow 100K plus. However what I think needs addressing
in the immediate term is this business of spltting your 10K downloaded
tracks across 3 devices - why? This makes no sense. I see no beneftis to
anyone - customers or producers from this and one major disadvantage - a
lot of inconvenience. Realistically the limit on a Spotify account is not
10K tracks its 3333 tracks. Thats how many you can have downloaded at one
time. Last time I checked we are in an age where devices are increasingly
becoming multifunctional so you have less gadgets to carry around with you.
To date I have yet to see a msic listener with a smartphone jutting out of
one pocket, an mp3 player out of another and a tablet strapped to their
head - but even that wont allow them 10K shuffle all because you can only
stream from one device at a time. I'd absolutely like to see the overall
limit upped but in the meantime please at least allow 10K tracks downloaded
on one device and you'd be taking a huge leap into the world of 21st
century customer covenience!

Just keep asking @spotifycares on twitter
They will not even reply to me anymore

cheers for suggestion, worth a try! 🙂

It will take a lot. They just do not listen. If there was a really good reason surely they would be good enough to be honest with us

I'm quietly optomistic we'll get through eventually - if enough folk keep
bombading them with the same question they'll crack at some point - though
whether thats before or after the planets align and the zombie apocalypse
descends remains to be seen...

Let's face it, of all the places to get music, Spotify is the worse! They obviously DON'T pay any attention to it's customers.

I can see Spotify's downfall in the near future.

This doesn't fully account for how people are using the saved feature and the fact that Spotify is still relatively new.  Even if 1% of users (as of 2014) have reached the 10,000 song limit, i would gues 80% of users have had the service less than 4 years or at least less than 5.  I have had Spotify for 3 years and hit the limit yesterday. I have never opened my songs tab before hitting the limit.  I use the save feature as a hack around the lack of a simple tagging feature to identify whether you have vetted a song (whether as a correct version of a song you knew or a new song you have discovered which you want to remember) and whether you may have already used a song on a playlist.  The fact that i cant change anything other than changing a + to a checkmark visually to represent any information about how i have used a song is why the saved feature is critical.  I honestly dont even care about having my all saved songs in one playlist- I just want to be able to change the status of all the songs i have vetted and used on playlists from '+' to 'checked'. Once you are dealing with over 10,000 songs, tracking how you have used them becomes difficult without tagging controls.  I also want to point out that saving songs serves as a substitute for having a huge hard drive full of music you know you like that you can move on and off of smaller playlists rather than the assumption anyone/everyone is using the saved feature as an alternative to just putting all one's songs on a set of master playlists.  Ironically this would be more easy to accomplish (over multipe playlists) as there is no limit to the number of playlists you can have and each one can have 10,000 songs.  You could just label them all SAVED# (Saved1, Saved2, etc).  What this doesnt allow is for you to mark more than 10,000 songs with any kind of information at all.  Saving as the only tag spotify allows (and the only way to see if a song is on at least one of your playlists if that's how you use it).

Do you guys listen?  This issue has been up for years and no one is buying that this issue is a major technical challenge.  I will give it a few weeks and then im figuring out how to switch to applemusic and giving instructions to all my friends on how to do so and explaining to them why they should.  I am guilty of convincing many people to join Spotify. Even if the saved song limit or lack of alternate tagging ability (which i assure you is how many of us use this featue) were not such a dealbreaker- Jumping into this forum after recieving an ambush "epic collection broseph" bs message yesterday has led me to believe Spotify actually plans to fold and have a few owners cut and run with the profits.  This issue is too easy to fix after being a point of contention for over 4 years.  It is bizzare that the replies posted by Spotify keep offering silly suggestions for non-hacks.  The saving feature IS the hack around the fact that you can't see whether or not you have listened to and liked a song or a particular version of a song or-in some cases whether it has already been used on one of your playlists.  IT IS A TAG far more than a one stop list! I'm so sad and felt so ambushed when this message popped up.

I've switched over a year ago. Amazon was NEWER than spotify and they don't have this limitation. Screw spotify... i'm never going back.  They had **bleep** service and looks like they still do.

Google play let's me do what I want. Spotify is ran by people who have
enough money that the just don't care about losing paying consumers. Fine,
but that business plan won't last forever.

Life is better without the ignorance of spotify.. I'm sure the CEO is
**bleep**ting n a hot tub screaming at his sales team about numbers.... But he's
an **bleep**.

Haha. So true

Here's another music lover who met the incomprehensible limit of 10.000 tracks. What's the problem? It's just an index, so it hardly uses disk space. If you want to, you can adjust the program code, which makes this possible, in a few minutes.


Please Spotify: reward at least the premium members who have been members for more than (e.g.) two years. Thanks in advance.


Well put. It’s a mystery why they won’t change this. For avid music fans, streaming is replacing our extensive album collections. But wait, we only get a quarter of our collections? Ugh.

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