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Ads do not play at all

Ads do not play at all

Hi! I have happened upon a strange problem in the newest version of Spotify. Not being a premium user, I managed by accident to skip an ad. Thus it did not play, something that has never occurred before - in the older version there would be a pop up informing that a song would not play before the ad is over. Then, I tried to play some music and whenever I reach the point where an ad would play, it does not, and neither does the song. Someone has had this problem or is aware of possible solutions? Yes, I tried reinstalling, relogging and switching off and then on again.

8 Replies

Hey @michalite thanks for coming to the Spotify Community to report your issue. 


Could you please confirm the following details for us:

1. Your device's operating system

2. The Spotify app version currently installed


Thanks so much!



I have the same problem both on my laptop(windows 10) and android phone, all my song keeps playing without ads, it's been a month ago and I never heard ads since then. Can someone explain to me what's happening? I'm not a premium user

Same thing happens to me. I am on iOS 9.3.2 and latest Spotify update

I have the same issue. 

Ubuntu 16.04. 

Ads are not played and next songs after the ad are not played either; the only way to resume playing is to close the program and re-open it. I have observed this beahaviour since some months ago; I am just a sporadic user of Spotify mostly because of this issue. 

I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it?

No, I haven't. I have uninstalled Spotify recently.. I use Rhytmbox radio (Rhytmbox is an app that comes with Ubuntu)

Thank you anyway! 🙂

It's because you have the ad blocker on. I had the same problem, except no ads would play and my music would freeze up so I couldn't listen to anything. Simply go into your malware protection application and turn off the ad blocker for spotify only. Then you'll hear the ads and your music as well. Hope this helps!

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