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Liked Songs don't appear

Liked Songs don't appear

When I click "Liked Songs" on the left of the screen, it appears as if I don't have anything in it. But if I double click and go to the queue, I'll see them all waiting to be played. I just want to see my songs when I click "Liked Songs". I've tried everything to fix this, please help!

2 Replies

Hey @makannn - help's here!

First off, do you mind trying the following:

  • log out and back in again
  • perform a clean reinstall (here's how)?

If none of the above steps work, could you confirm the following:

  • When you log into your account on another device, are you able to see your Liked Songs as normal?
  • On the desktop app, when you go to your queue after double-clicking on Liked Songs, are the songs are appearing as 'liked' (with a white heart)?

Thanks - keep us posted!

I have tried your suggestions many times over to no avail. I can see my lIked songs on other devices like my smartphone and Xbox but it still doesn't show up on my Mac. Also when I double click Liked Songs and check the queue, the songs do appear as "Liked" with white hearts, but I should be able to see them by just single clicking "Liked Songs".

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