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Musixmatch not working?

Musixmatch not working?

Today I tried to resync a song, made it all the way to the end, then musixmatch asked me to log in with Facebook (i guess in order to save what I've done so far) and Spotify just closed, my progress was lost, and it happens every time musixmatch asks me to log in, please fix this, it's completely usless to use musix when it doesn't work properly.

17 Replies

Hey @InsaneFreakshow 


Could you confirm which version of Spotify you have installed within 'About Spotify'? Are you running a Windows or OSX based computer?


I'm using Win 7 Ultimate x64

Thank you.


I am using Mac OSx 10.10.2 & Spotify


The lyric function is workng on my laptop but cannot get it to work on my desktop


Thanks for assistance



Well in my case the lyrics work fine, actually everything is ok, but if try to edit the lyrics or resync them, a Facebook login is required, and Musixmatch and Facebook don't seem to work out together. Spotify just closes when I try to log in, so basically I can't edit or sync, just watch lyrics.

Thank you for confirming. We'll do some testing on our end and keep you posted.

I love musixmatch but today it is not working. I don't understand why? can you help?

thank you, it's okay now.


regi meadows


@InsaneFreakshow wrote:

Well in my case the lyrics work fine, actually everything is ok, but if try to edit the lyrics or resync them, a Facebook login is required, and Musixmatch and Facebook don't seem to work out together. Spotify just closes when I try to log in, so basically I can't edit or sync, just watch lyrics.

i had this exact problem in the desktop app all the time, and since searching didn't bring up anything useful, i did some testing.

didn't take long to find a simple solution:

-logout of musixmatch in spotify desktop app

-open your browser and login/sign up on musixmatch VIA FACEBOOK and finally

-login to musixmatch in spotify desktop app

this did it for me.





I have what may be a related issue.

I can't login to Musixmatch from Spotify using my Facebook credentials.  I can view lyrics, but I can't login to contribute to timing/lyrics like i used to.  There's no popup to ask me for my Facebook details, the login box simply states login failed (screenshot attached).


I can login to Musixmatch sucessfully from a browser using my Facebook credentials (i get a popup and provide the login/password).  

Spotify Musixmatch still fails.


I am on Mac using OSX 10.9.5 and Spotify


I did report to Musixmatch, but have had no response from them (not even the confirmation they received my report.)

I didn't see that this was posted in a board specific to Windows/Linux. As I am on a Mac, i have created a new post on the appropriate board.


I am on Windows using Spotify version and Musixmatch version 0.13.9


hello when i listen the music in my spotify the songs sptoped and it says "no se puede reproducir esta cancion" my spotify is in spanish also i was trying to use musixmatch and i cant its not working

Hi! I can't find any sync option in Musixmatch, especially to sync with Spotify. 
Please help. Thanks.


Sanin, where the actual heck did you download that musixmatch from? the only one i can even find is the one on the windows app store, and it's god-awful.

I also found it in windows app store : ))

Uninstalled. Re-installed. It worked!

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