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Video ads way too loud


Video ads way too loud

Listening to my music at a reasonable volume and then all of a sudden a video ad will come blaring on, seemingly at least twice as loud as my actual music volume. Loud enough to ****ing literally hurt my ears. This needs to fixed immediately. This latest update is just a mess. The lead developer and anyone who OK'd the update should be fired. The update should be rolled back until someone competent, and who also values user experience, is put in charge.
193 Replies

I really agree with this omg. Spotify has given me a panic attack 2 days in a row now it's stupid. I was just listening to the hobbit soundtrack before and it was all peaceful and quiet but then a really loud ad came on and panicked me. It's really not good for people with anxiety or that suffer from panic attacks because it's like a jump scare and it's really horrible. Seriously considering not using Spotify because of this. 

I really agree with this omg. Spotify has given me a panic attack 2 days in a row now it's stupid. I was just listening to the hobbit soundtrack before and it was all peaceful and quiet but then a really loud ad came on and panicked me. It's really not good for people with anxiety or that suffer from panic attacks because it's like a jump scare and it's really horrible. Seriously considering not using Spotify because of this. 

When spotify ads starts, I jump off my chair because they are so loud !!!

Is that how they want us to upgrade to Premium ?

This is the WORST marketing tactic ever. Spotify, I'm uninstalling you !!!



This is obvously still an issue! a friend refered me to this sight from a competor.  I appreciate the ability to select a specific song or album and not wait for it to come around in a rotation.  But the volume of the viedo adds may very well send me back to my previous online audio provider.  Please fix this situation.


This is so darn annoying. I honestly just kill spotify and listen to something else.

Having this happen at the office is not good.

I'm about to dump it. Tweet @SpotifyCares about it. I thought they were
listening, but their replies are generic. At least they'll see it
though...obviously they aren't reading these threads

I started using an Ad Blocker because of it, **bleep** scared me one too many times already.

This is still an issue. The music is 1/2 the volume of certain ads. I have to turn my speakers all the way up just to hear the music. But once an ad hits, it blasts my speakers. 

Please investigate and adjust the balance. 

Confirmed. Contrary to my earlier reports of problem been fixed, this is not the case. I have reported yet another loud video ad to @SpotifyCares

Quite frankly, when one of these ads starts shouting at me, I HIT THE MUTE BUTTON, (because no one likes to be shouted at) so I wind up not hearing the ad at all.  I don't think that's what the advertiser wants...


Not to mention, I use Spotify at work, in a cubicle environment.  I keep the volume down low enough that I'm the only one who can hear it, right up until one of these ads comes on.  And if you think I'm going to switch to headphones and blast my eardrums out just to spare my neighbors, you are very very mistaken.  I'll just switch to my radio station's stream instead.



(aww... my setting the font to size 7 in the shout didn't take. I thought it added a nice subtle touch.)

I feel a class action lawsuit is in the making, thanks for ruining my ears Spotify! If you continue like this you dont have any customers left because the simply can not hear the music anymore 😞


Putting this topic on solved is ridiculous btw


Ppease fix and screen your comercials better!

Ridiculously loud...

Congtratulations, you just made me shut off your service for the day because of being so annoyed.

One day a stupid jumpascare surprised me give me a darn big panic attack, since I developed a kind of ptsd, phobia of jumpscare and bad memory, so when we have anxiety any kind of surprise can make psycologicaly sick, so no more spotify for me.

Fix this immediately, Spotify! I am about to uninstall your service permanently. This is no way to win customers.

why hasn't this been fixed?

After experimenting for 2 days now, I have discovered the following:


If I use Spotify that I have installed locally on my computer, the extremely loud ads occur. At least a couple times in an 8 hr day. 


Yesterday, I closed Spotify for the day on my local machine because I was fed up. I then used spotify player in the browser. The browser I used all day yesterday and today with the spotify player was Google Chrome. The ads continue. BUT THEY WERE NOT LOUD !!!!


Maybe this is a fluke....but for many hours now, I have not had an issue. I was excited and wanted to share !

This may not be a fluke.
Today, all video ads were on quite sensible volume. Yesterday, they were loud like he**. Something has been changed..?
Here's to hoping...

Christalive, these adverts are far too loud! Jumped a mile. Why can't you just listen to your customers, Spotify? Customer IS most certainly right in this case.

I'm dropping spotify entirely just because of this stupid detail. I really don't wanna get deaf by getting my ears blasted off with ads when using headphones/earbuds.

Farewell Spotify.

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