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Who uploads the music

Who uploads the music

I writing on behalf of my boss. His album is on spotify. He wants to know who put it there and where do the royalties go?
8 Replies



This link should tell you more about how we get the music that we stream.


"Spotify likely has a deal with your label or distributor. Contact them to ask them to send us your music. Note that if you have only recently licensed your music for delivery to Spotify, it may take between 4 and 6 weeks for it to appear on the service.

If your music is on Spotify, even though you haven't sent it to us, it's likely because your label or distributor has sent it to us. Contact them to rectify this issue.

We also get all metadata (artist/track/album name, etc.) from labels and distributors, and we can't update it manually. If you see that something's wrong, contact your distributor!"




Have your boss have his lawyer review his contract.  The artist rarely get squat.

Hi Calvin, is it possible that you can tell us please, who you dealt with specifically? We have no label or distributor.

Hi Calvin, is it possible that you can tell us please, who we can contact directly so that I can give more details about the artist and the album?



I do not have access to that information.  Could you please send a request to Support?  They will be able to pass the case onto the team that deals with the Labels.  If you could include information about the songs and artist, that would help resolve your question a lot quicker.



Thank you. When I click on your support link, I get a message saying page not found. Please could you give me support's email address?

@MalissaTaylor wrote:
Thank you. When I click on your support link, I get a message saying page not found. Please could you give me support's email address?

Try this link 😉 



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Thank you for your help Rolo..

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