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2016 Wrapped

2016 Wrapped

Last year, Spotify had Year in Music which told you your most played songs, artists etc. I know they have done 2016 Wrapped this year but that just shows the most popular songs in general, so will they be doing personal stats?
18 Replies

Spotify is doing things a little differently this year, so look out for a special email from them in the coming weeks! Be sure to opt into News and Offers email notifications at

Asked Spotify's support and was given this information:

What a year it’s been! But before 2016 comes to a close, we wanted to share with you a personalized look at your year of music. 

That’s why we created Wrapped – an awesome array of fun facts and statistics based on your listening habits, all emailed directly to your inbox. What’s more, we create playlists of your favorite music of the year and deliver them straight to your Spotify account.”



You wouldn't of received an email about this yet as the emails are due to be sent out on December 12th. Please make sure your ‘Spotify News and Offers’ email notifications are enabled at the time of sending.”


I guess we should look forward to December 12 then! 🙂

Thank you both, I'm looking forward to it.

So I didn't know about this and didn't have notifications enabled. Is there any way to get Spotify to send the stats again?

@Wollman wrote:
So I didn't know about this and didn't have notifications enabled. Is there any way to get Spotify to send the stats again?

They haven't sent out mine yet, I guess you can still enable now and wait for it in the next 2 days?

Hey mate!


In my personal options, this one was disabled yesterday.


Just enabled it.


Do you now if I will receive the email?

Adding my voice to those calling for stats to be sent again - definitely not seen mine and have just re-enabled email notifications...

I emailed the support os Spotify about this and they said the email won't be sent again:


"Unfortunately we can’t resend the email. If you missed out this time, we’d recommend turning on your email notifications to receive future updates. "

It's a shame I still haven't received mine and I've always had email notifications enabled! 😞

Anyone who didn't receive an email (I didn't):

Open Spotify, got to Browse, click Genres & Moods, click 2016 Wrapped. You should see "Your Top Songs 2016" at the top.

I switched it on a week ago and didn't get anything. 

I love stats 😞

Appearently many of us curious about our stats. I hope they make it available on their website just like last year so we can all explore. Pretty please? @spotify

I emailed the support team stating that I have always enabled email notifications but I still haven't received my personal stats. They replied saying that they're looking into the issue. Two hours later, my personal states finally arrived in my inbox.

Where did you email them?

@Wollman wrote:
Where did you email them?

Got this after following your advice 😞

I also did enable the emails about 2 weeks ago.

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch with us. It's not really good to know that you weren't able to receive the email for the Year in Music. No worries, we'll help you out on this.

To receive the Wrapped email with all your fun facts and statistics, your ‘Spotify News and Offers’ email notifications need to be enabled at the time of sending. Unfortunately we can’t resend the email. If you missed out this time, we’d recommend turning on your email notifications to receive future updates. 

By the way, wrapped is replacing Year in Music. The new format allows us to deliver even more fantastic content. We hope you like it. 

On the other hand, if you're still unable to see it, you may want to check this link to see your Wrapped music.

If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to email us back.

All the best,


Spotify Customer Support

I have always had the notifications enabled and never saw an email. I did search all folders... Very sad that they didn't think of a plan B. It's fine to have the playlist (thanks to someone who let me know how to find it above) but I wanted the stats. Last year's format was awesome and if it was something that worked, why not stick with this for individual stats? Why opt for an option you can't "fix" for many people? Obviously, it will a bit too expensive to investigate the email issue as this is a "once a year" feature... being in software development myself, I understand. But am still disappointed that they didn't test it properly or think it through.

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