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Desktop looks like web client??


Desktop looks like web client??




Windows 10




Since a few weks ago, my desktop spotify looks like the web client. I wouldnt mind this because it is visually appealing, but i cannot upload local files, change playlist covers and edit playlists like i normally would.  Is this some sort of test and if so can i opt out. I expect these features when i pay $15 a month lol


In the picture i try to show that there is no local files setting/option


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Hey there @jakebrundrett,


It looks like you are currently part of a test that Spotify is currently running with it's desktop experience. Spotify is always running tests and looking to improve the user experience in as many ways as possible, you can learn more about testing at Spotify here. Therefore right now you may have missing or new features.


Right now, it's not possible to opt-out of these tests however if your not happy with the new experience I'd recommend adding a +VOTE here to show your interest to Spotify to returning back to what you had previously.


Keep Well,

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9 Replies
Marked as solution

Hey there @jakebrundrett,


It looks like you are currently part of a test that Spotify is currently running with it's desktop experience. Spotify is always running tests and looking to improve the user experience in as many ways as possible, you can learn more about testing at Spotify here. Therefore right now you may have missing or new features.


Right now, it's not possible to opt-out of these tests however if your not happy with the new experience I'd recommend adding a +VOTE here to show your interest to Spotify to returning back to what you had previously.


Keep Well,

so there’s no way for me to currently upload local files and/or change my playlist cover?

Right now, unfortunately not. You could try another device but trials are normally linked so you may still not have the feature even on a alternate device.


Best Wishes,

wow there goes a cutomer. Thanks for your timely response and thanks for your help 😉

Spotify are monitoring all feedback on this however I’d stay tuned for updates and also add your feedback and a +VOTE on the idea previously mentioned in my original reply.


Keep Safe,

Yes i did vote and reply to the thread. Thank you, you’re the first person whom i’ve received answers from.

it's very annoying that you have done this. i have had spotify premium for YEARS and now this test is just making my time using the desktop version a bad time. please change it back asap. not happy at all!!

Jake, this happened to me starting a little over 2 weeks ago.  For some in this forum, it started in March.  It's terrible.  It's anti-customer.  I've been a Premium/Family subscriber for over 6 years and did not "opt in" to this.  In the USA, it's likely illegal behavior and should be investigated by the Federal Trade Commission.


Contacting Spotify "support" is a complete waste of time.  The chat support are in the Philippines, have fake names, and can do nothing except largely cut and paste the same text over and over.  Email support is worthless.  The "Specialty" team are corporate sycophants.


Spotify has lost their minds.  You don't mess with customers or their user experience.  You don't de-tune and remove many of the features of the main application.  You definitely shouldn't experiment on your customers without their consent.  This is the kind of stupid **bleep** that MySpace did just before everybody left for Facebook, or Windows did when they rolled out Windows 8.  But in Spotify's situation, they are trickling this "test" out very slowly.


I've worked in IT, largely on the software testing side of web-based apps, for over 25 years.  The idea that a customer can't be switched back is bogus.


It'll probably go down a rabbit hole, but do consider snail mailing your country's Spotify office, which in your case is:


Spotify Canada Inc.
179 John St. Suite 403
M5T 1X4 Toronto

I have created my account today and I'm supposed to make a playlist for a party on Saturday but when I create the playlist I can't add any songs. It doesn't matter if I use the Windows 10 app or the web player. Is it the same problem as you have described? Or is it because it's a free account (would like to test it before I subscribe ...!)?

TheVeryBestOf - New playlist cant add songs.PNG

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