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Disable Explicit Songs?


Disable Explicit Songs?

Is it possible to tell spotify not to play any songs with explicit lyrics?  I like to play random playlists or spotify's top lists sometimes but don't like songs with explicit lyrics. 


Any help would be appreciated.





587 Replies

We will probably cancel our subscrition if this doen't become an option really soon. it's just not a safe way to play music around kids and I don't want to hear it either! Come on Spotify, this can't be that difficult.

The first post on this started way back in 23/02/2012. 5 1/2 years and nothing yet. Really?? I feel like being very explicit right now. Using expletives for the sake of it seems fasionable, but I think I shout have the choice of wether I want to listen to it or not. Is anybody at Spotify even listening?

I just tweeted AGAIN....


@spotify @spotifycares Still no explicit filter. I wonder if anyone wants one? Do you really care? #f**kthekids

Despite numerous attempts to get information from the 'ironically' named @spotifycares twitter account, they just reply with standard, "We don't have any information on that right now, keep checking on the forum" - #SpotifyExlipicitFilter - 5 years and counting - time to leave, they clearly do not care about taking your money.

STOPIFY?. The last thing we want is a patch up job that wants to put their hands in your pockets and assure you the problem is solved. Go advertise somewhere else. Spotify probably won't mind - saves them doing the job properly

If this doesn't become an option SOON, I'm going to cancel.  I want to play my music at work for clients & it's SO EMBARASSING when a popular song pops on that has the F-BOMB!





Please write in ticket linked above, so Spotify can see how many of us care about this issue, to ensure we bring about the change we want.

This is so very important. As customers, we are asking to have the CHOICE.


I disagree with calling it a “parental control” option because way to often are parents trying to control what their kids listen to which makes them rebel even more. Just call it a “clean/explicit filter” because me being a 19 year old DJ, I am not a parent trying to protect my kids ears, but rather wanting clean music for a wedding per say. 

Careful that you don't need a broadcasting licence and upgraded spotify subscription for that Todd17

I have a similar problem. We use spotify in our Gym and Explicit music is forbidden. It would be great to have an easy way to disable all tracks with explicit content.


From what my friends learned from this discussion, my friends have constructed an eternal and ever refreshed playlist that lines up all of the NonExplicit tracks in Spotify that play one after the other with zero Explict tracks ever. >> <<

If you find an Explict track that fooled the automated filter, just click the ThumbsDown to remove that Explicit track for everybody hereafter.

Okay this post is from 2012...i'm sure the web developer has figured it out by now. Any solution on disable features? i have a 10 yrs and i don't want him or my daughters listening to Hoes and Bitches.

Everyone, PLEASE VOTE for the Explicit Button feature here:


If enough people vote, Spotify might FINALLY pull their finger out and do it. Like thousands of others, I was astounded when I learned that this vital feature was missing in the first place. 

What's your gyms website?

If you are a parent or small business owner (gym, spa, salon) and want to play Spotify on Windows and not worry about swearing in the music being played, then e-Mail me at and I'll give you a free 30 day trial to my app. It's now up and running!

The program is only $15 to purchase! Took me close to a year to make it, since Spotify refuses to make the feature. Obviously I want Spotify to come up with the setting too, but they won't, so I went ahead and developed the app for you guys. It took me a lot fo time and money to make the app, so I think I deserve a few coffees for my efforts 🙂

* Quick side note: I'm having an issue with Windows Defender picking it up as a false positive, but I should have it resovled within a week or so. All the other Anti-Vir programs have no problem with it.

Recently I chose to listen to NF radio through your product.  About 4 songs into listening to a Christian Rapper Radio Station I am bombarded with multiple f-bombs, racial slurs, anti establishment rhetoric.  


I tried to find an explicit filter option and discovered you are "working" on it, notification from November of 2016.


Why would i consider purchasing your product for my family only to subject them to random vulgarities?  


Please allocate a little more hustle to this issue and you may find more people, like myself, interested in becoming Premium members.

This should be a basic feature.  I was able to add this control on Pandora, why not Spotify -- especially as a Premium subscriber.

this is rediculous that this isn't implemented yet.

This seems like such a no-brainer feature. Because it's not available I'm forced to leave Spotify. Too bad really.

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