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Dislike button has no effect on radio playlist


Dislike button has no effect on radio playlist

I'm noticing that songs that I've marked as disliked, keeps popping up again after a while. Shouldn't those songs that are marked as disliked, be avoided for all future in any or all radio playlists?

43 Replies

I think (I haven't managed to get confirmation from spotify) that this happens when there are several versions of the same song in the catalogue. Disliking one doesn't stop other versions from popping up until you have disliked all of them 😞

Here's the embed codes for the last two songs, when one came directly after another. They seem to have the same code


<iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

<iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

I'm wondering if the radio algorithm generated a different URI for the same track which isn't available to you though and it "linked" it to that one again. So the algorithm sees them as different tracks but the client actually gets the same track twice.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Could be! In that case I will lookout for this song and if I will get it a few more times I will report. I guess there are not more than 5 different versions of this song.

I have the same issue.  The more I click dislike to Jack Johnson, the more songs of his hit the rotation.  I'd rather listen to a gut shot mule bellow than hear another note of his "music".

I'm having the same issue. Version

I hit dislike, and the same songs play. Also, my likes are not holding. I click like on something, then the next day I have to like it again. I have disliked pretty much every Medieval Babes and Dead Can Dance song, and yet they still play.

On another station I made I disliked a song in German, and then nothing but German language songs played! I wanted to listen to Lindsay Sterling and music like hers, not German metal music.


I typically listen to my Vas station every day while I work, and I close the program every evening. I've reinstalled the program and rebooted my system to no avail.

Been listening to Danzig radio every day. Keep thumbsing down the same crap everyday. Turbonegro and Clutch have no business here. Thumbs down to every Megadeth song that comes on? Here is more Megadeth. Then replay a couple of songs that I have actually thumbs upped, then plays something else I have thumbs downed. Please become smarter. This is not working great.

I'm having the same issue. There is so much bad music out there and I'd rather not listen to it more and more. I've disliked the MS MR song Hurricane every time it comes on, and I swear it's coming on more and more now. Any help on this would be fantastic.



I second this. I keep disliking all the songs of one band, but they keep popping back in the radio.

It is critical to enjoying this service that we are able to permanently thumbs down an entire artist once and forever, seeing as how we despise them and their sounds are like torture to us.

Also mentioned and discussed over on this Ideas topic:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I'm wondering, how many with this problem is using the Linux client for Spotify? Maybe the thumbs down/dislike button has no effect there?

I'm using Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit at home and at work. Plus I have it on Android KitKat 4.4.2. I dislike/like the most when I'm at work.


I'm curious if it's more the interaction between the 3 devices.  

Having the same issue (version!


I have "thumbs down" Cradle Of Filth - Nymphetamine Fix (and other songs) several times over the past week, whilst listening to the "Track Radio based on Deceiver of the Gods by Amon Amarth" station.




I have a problem also of this sort. My Spotify version is

I'm currently listening to the trance radio and everytime i dislike a song it seems to work properly for the first 2-3 songs. After i disliked 2-3 or more songs the disliked. After 2 songs the disliked songs (the disliked just a minute ago) start to pop up, i dislike them then they pop up right after another disliked shows up.

And here is how i dislike song (the name is not corect) "Nananana".

And it puts song named "Nanajaka" i dislike that song.

And it puts song "Jakaraka", i dislike that song again.

And i puts "Nananana" i dislike this one again.

And it puts "Nanajaka", i dislike again this song.

And it puts "Jakaraka".i dislike again this song.

And that cicle repeats it self again and again.


I don't know if explained right but that is my problem with this bug or what ever it is.

I have a kinda simmilar problem. When I start a radio based on my only music-from-movies-playlist it gives me 1 or 2 movie soundtracks and then I only get dubstep crap no matter how often i dislike it. Many different dubstep songs, but they also start repeating 😞

Seems they have proven they do not care, being that years have passed. I guess it works exactly how they want it to, which is sad.

*Spotify* - Give us the option to dispise an artist already and stop trying to force them on us.

The same thing keeps happening to me. I have just disliked the same song by the same artist three times. Here is a screenshot so you can see!


Hey, Spotify.  What's up with this?  It seems like many people are complaining about the same feature not working.  I have some songs that cycle through a particular channel that I actually find offensive -- but everything else is GREAT!  However, due to this feature not working, I cannot avoid what I find to be offensive material.  Very annoying.

Spotify  doesn't care about problems with tehir apps. This has been happening since 2013....... 

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