Are you someone who has 50,000 songs scattered across maybe hundreds of playlists? You can recreate your library and even be able to search within it for just that special single song you are looking for.
How To:
1. Click on the word FILE in the upper left hand corner, select the option New Playlist Folder not New Playlist but the option below called New Playlist Folder . To know if you have done it right a little folder icon should be showing rather than the music sign icon normally shown.
2. Label the Playlist Folder Library. To Label it if per chance you missed it by clicking somewhere else, right click on the folder icon and choose the option to Rename, type in the word Library, hit enter to finish the labelling.
3. Drag all of your playlists you wish to have here one at a time, that is the only way to do it, and place them inside the newly created Playlist Folder. To know that those playlists have been added in that folder correctly click on the folder icon once and a little arrow pointing down will show. All of the playlists that have been added here should be just slightly right off center from where the rest of your playlists currently reside.
4. Once all of your playlists have been added, click on the Playlist Folder labelled Library once.
5. Looking around here in the Playlist Folder you will notice you have adjustable columns, and can choose by Track, Artist, Album, Added, and by User. If you use the filter option here, which can be found in the upper left hand corner under the Edit option or simply use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+f. A search box will open when filter is chosen, the search box will be in the upper right hand corner just under your user name. Type in a search word based on a song title, and/or artist name and everything associated with your search query will be shown below.
6. If your playlists where added correctly to the Playlist Folder Labelled Library any song you had in a playlist is easily searchable now.
7. To get to the exact playlist you want, click once on the folder icon so the arrow points down to show all of your playlists you have named and placed within the Playlist Folder, click on the playlist name of your choice to adjust where and what order songs are placed in the list.
8. To add songs or albums is the same as before only when the option menu opens to add to a playlist the Folder Labelled Library will be there and you will have to highlight it with your mouse pointer to reveal a new right column expansion of all the playlists added there to choose which playlist to add songs and/or albums to. Easy Pease.
How To Create Artist Discography playlists. Say you have many artists like Aerosmith, The Who, or maybe the band Yes which has an extensive catalogue of music available on spotify.
1. Click on the word FILE in the upper left hand corner, select the option New Playlist Folder label it Library as before.
2. Click once on the Folder labeled Library and then go to the upper left hand corner. You now have several ways to start building artist discography playlists.
1. You can just create new playlists here in this playlist folder and labelled them whatever you wish.
2. You can create another New Playlist Folder inside of another Playlist folder and label it say Artist A's and place all artist playlists with A's in the name to organize things alphabetically. You can create a file tree structure.
For example I have a Playlist Folder simply labelled Library and then within that Folder I have more folders Labeled A's, B'S, C's, ect. and in each folder is a listing of playlists organized by artist names alphabetically. It is that simple and the great thing once you have created that first Playlist Folder and placed everything else within it everything becomes easily searchable.
My Playlist Folder structure kind of looks like this.
Library Playlist Folder
Artist A's
Artist B's
Black Sabbath
Artist C's
Canned Heat
So on and so forth.
Enjoy and have fun!