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How do I browse English podcasts when my country is the Netherlands?

How do I browse English podcasts when my country is the Netherlands?

I live in the Netherlands. However, I prefer listening to English music and podcasts. When I try to find podcasts the explore page shows mostly Dutch podcasts. Is there a way to browse the English podcast?

Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Hey there folks, 


Thanks for sharing your feedback in the thread. 


It's currently not possible to browse podcasts by language on Spotify. However, we recommend having a look at this Live Idea suggesting the implementation of an option allowing users to filter podcasts by language. 


You can support this idea by adding your +VOTE and clicking on Subscribe in the three-dots menu at the top right corner next to the title. That'll make sure you stay up-to-date with any relevant updates about this. It’s also worth knowing that the higher the number of votes an idea gets, the more likely it is for the idea to be implemented. 


We always take new ideas and feedback into consideration to improve the app. Here you can read more on how ideas work.


Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions. 

23 Replies

It's so annoying not to be able to see high-quality English podcasts but instead a bunch of local content.

that's a huge problem. and that's the n1 reason i use pocketcasts instead of spotify for podcasts.

2024 and still no updates on this... You have a good AI algorithm: use it to split the podcast by languages and add filter for it! It's ridiculous not to have the podcasts in your favourite language.

Thank you

I have the same problem and I'm sure a LOT of other people do. I also live in the Netherlands, but don't speak Dutch fluently l... I would expect it to make the most sense for Spotify to suggest podcasts to you by taking into account the UI language that you've set. Considering how many people are multi lingual or living in countries where the dominant language is not their native language I'm super surprised this isn't a supported experience

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