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Keyboard shortcut while spotify is minimized?


Keyboard shortcut while spotify is minimized?



i am basically looking for shortcuts like skip to next song and pause, etc., however these should work while spotify is minimized, the shortcuts that i've found trough google are only working while Spotify is open.


Is there any way this is possible?

Thanks in advance.


Desktop version / Windows 10


Accepted Solutions
Marked as solution

Use Toastify.


Works beautifully in Windows 10, sadly I can't find an equivalent for the lovely new MacBook Pro I've been given 😞

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Marked as solution

If your keyboard has an "fn" button, you can press it and use the arrow keys. Duder who posted the first solution via volume and such lead me to this discovery! Thanks everyone! I'm on Windows 10. 

View solution in original post

36 Replies

Hello @mreko, thanks for posting! 


Global Hotkeys would be amazing, especially if you work on a program or play a game, but unfortunately, it's not possible yet.

However there is a live idea which suggesting this, you can add your vote and comments in support there : )

MartinStoichkovSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Hey @mreko does your keyboard have multimedia keys option which you can toggle on or off ?


Mine has this on windows 10 and the keys work with spotify when its minimized (f1 to f6 if i have them set as multimedia keys)

Not that i am aware of. Its a logitech k120.

Sorry unfortunately i think that keyboard does not have media keys


Only other thing i can think of if you maybe want to try is map the keys to functions that you want with something like autohotkey


Not sure if it will work or not

"Not possible yet" ? Over on the unofficial Google Play Music Desktop Player ( ) they seem to have it figured out a long time already.

Also, not just global but also configurable hotkeys would be nice.

It seems there's so many great ideas being suggested and getting a lot of votes but they just keep getting marked "not right now" or even "great idea" or whatever and yet they don't get implemented. Instead features are removed. Where in the world is the thumbs up/down feature for all songs? (not just radio)

Since There Isn't Any Hotkeys For This Procedure But Still We Can Go For Something,

For This Purpose, Make Sure To Have The Creators Update for WIndows 10.

Just Open Spotify in the Taskbar or Minimise it into the System Tray,

And Whenever you are in any Application, Just Move Your Cursor into the

Empty Area of the Taskbar and Just Scroll Up Or Down, This Will Fade In a Simple

Volume Layer And In its Right Side There will be a Layer with Playing/Pausing, And Changing Tracks Option for Spotify, Just Hover Your Mouse On It And Go For Your Desired Option.

Enjoy 🙂     


There is An Attachment For You 🙂 :


Screenshot (1).png
Marked as solution

Use Toastify.


Works beautifully in Windows 10, sadly I can't find an equivalent for the lovely new MacBook Pro I've been given 😞

I tried toastify. However, it didn't do what I wanted at all. I wrote an autohotkey script that checks if spotify is minimised and then restores the window before sending the macro to spotify. It didn't work just sending the macro.

But what could be expected of Spotify, is that they just implement global hotkeys. Best would be if it includes customisation options.

Shame, it was great for me.


Discovered I can change the default hotkeys on my MacBook touchbar so I always have a play or pause option within easy touch.  Not quite the skip/rewind option I'd like, but it does the main job.

Hmm. None of said opitons work for me. 

I have a razer blackwidow with several keys remapped to be media keys and spotify doesnt work with them, nor does it let me change any shortcuts...

Marked as solution

If your keyboard has an "fn" button, you can press it and use the arrow keys. Duder who posted the first solution via volume and such lead me to this discovery! Thanks everyone! I'm on Windows 10. 

You can Alt + Arrow keys to move the song. 


Alt + -> for next song

Alt+<- for previous song


Neither FN+ arrows works, nor ALT+arrows.


Google play music works fine with the multimedia keys.

Toastify worked easily for me to set a global shortcut key to play/stop the music in Spotify desktop Windows app! Thanks!

This doesn't work in Windows 10 Enterprise 1709 (Fall Creators Update). When scrolling on the task bar, nothing happens.

How do you get this up? I cant do it

Just press the fn button with f6 to play/pause,f5 to play prevous song and f8 to play the next song.

Ok maybe I can understand why this feature is not yet implemented, maybe we are a small portion of people requesting this. But how in the **bleep** is there no "pause", "play", "next", ... options when I right click on the tray icon ? I used computers for many years and I was so surprised not to see these options just when I expected them the first time I right clicked on the tray icon, not really user friendly if you ask me..

What about updating it with an actual hotkey system? Any other program has it. What if i m gaming and streaming and want to pause and start the music?  Just add an hotkey option, something that looks like what OBS has for example. It can t be that difficult

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