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Lyrics feature unavailable


Lyrics feature unavailable

Hey Community!
Just a heads up that our Lyrics feature on desktop is currently unavailable as we're making some big improvements to the feature. We'll share more updates soon. 
We can also confirm our partnership with Musixmatch is ending. It was a great partnership and there is mutual respect between both companies as our business strategies move us each in different directions.
iOS users can get lyrics and annotations on some tracks via our partnership with Genius. Check out the info here
Please share any feedback you have here in the Community. Feel free to vote for this idea too. 
1,005 Replies

"Humming is fun."

That just feels like a slap in the face.

Thanks for taking away one of my favorite features. Again.

Do we have an ETA?  This is an important feature for me.

I am with you. I have been devoted and promoted Spotify. Getting annoyed.

WTF if there is no lyrics Im cancelling my subscription to Spotify and going to youtube, and Musixmatch on android.

So, Spotify wanted exclusivity, and instead of compromising for its customers until a solution was found Spotify dissolved the relationship with MusicMatch. Why would Spotify have the audicity to limit MusicMatch's business model or potential for growth?


This is making me regret turning so many people on to Spotify.


What MIGHT make me feel better is an idea of when this new tool will be available.  NOT HAPPY.



The least they could do is be transparent...especially about exactly where they are in their "new solution"...1 month? 1 year?

"So, Spotify wanted exclusivity, and instead of compromising for its customers until a solution was found Spotify dissolved the relationship with MusicMatch. Why would Spotify have the audicity to limit MusicMatch's business model or potential for growth?"


Not to be judgemental, but this sounds smacks of greed.  They made a very big mistake by trying to force Musixmatch into something that it didn't want, as from the person whom I quoted.




"The least they could do is be transparent...especially about exactly where they are in their "new solution"...1 month? 1 year?"


Who knows.  If they don't find a replacement, they'll get rid of the lyrics button for good, and thus starts a mass exodus from Spotify.  Not from me, though.


Now, this is the reason why I mentioned greed:


Reading between the lines, it seems Spotify may have demanded Musixmatch made its services exclusive to the top music streaming app.

So there really isn't another music streaming service that automicially includes lyrics, except for Pandora, but they only have a very small library of music. You can link lyric apps to Apple music or xbox/Groove musicmatch which actully have more songs than Spotify, but with Spoyify you can also "apparently" see lyrics on a phone with Sound Hound or Music Match, which is not anything more than you would have to do to get lyrics with the other providers to begin with. Switching is pointless. orrrr am I missing something? Is there a better music streamiong desktop ap out there that offers lyrics with over 30 mil. tracks? I'm looking at

If anyone can find something that combines lyrics and music on demand, I will be there in a hot second. The lyrics was the only thing that attracted me to Spotify over any other service.


It's really nasty, rude and in bad taste - the darn : "Humming is fun" message. Your marketing PR are IDIOTS who insult your users. It is a snotty little slap in the face **bleep** "tongue in cheek" joke at the expense of those who like the feature. It isn't funny. It isn't cute. People are pissed.Take it down and genuinely apologize because people paid for this feature when they signed up.

If Musixmatch makes a desktop app, then I'll likely go to that instead of Spotify, but I'm not ditching premium.

Musixmatch is making a Desktop app, they're even offering email notification, If they're doing what I think it'll probably show lyrics to any song played on the OS and not exclusively to spotify

Spotify is removing features and some music that I liked to listen is desappearing. I will reconsider to move to Apple Music if this service is not improved

So is it possible make MiniLyrics work with Spotify again?

Or at least make something similar to that, a small movable floating lyric instead of opening a window like a Microsoft Word and read the lyric inside Spotify.

One of the main reasons I am with Spotify is because of it's lyrics feature . If it's not coming back soon, I am out of here.

Im just realize musixmatch lyrics feature was unavailable........well, they're making big improvements...when it released??!!

i hope that you'll reintroducing this feature! we want it! 😧

This problems is just heappening with some musics, isnt it?

I'm cancelling my subscription too. 

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