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Lyrics feature unavailable


Lyrics feature unavailable

Hey Community!
Just a heads up that our Lyrics feature on desktop is currently unavailable as we're making some big improvements to the feature. We'll share more updates soon. 
We can also confirm our partnership with Musixmatch is ending. It was a great partnership and there is mutual respect between both companies as our business strategies move us each in different directions.
iOS users can get lyrics and annotations on some tracks via our partnership with Genius. Check out the info here
Please share any feedback you have here in the Community. Feel free to vote for this idea too. 
1,005 Replies

It's too bad that Spotify doesn't even takes the time to reply or to make a decent announcement about what their intentons are with features like Lyrics and the Activitybar. Still no need to start telling people here that you're gonna quit your subsciption.

I like listening to music, I like to discover new music (that is what I used the activtybar for) and I like to know the lyrics. Too bad Spotify decided to stop the service with Musixmatch. A normal company (sorry to say it like this, but that is my opinion) would have offered their clients an alternative, not some childish page encouraging them to hum 😞

Let's all just wait and hope Spotify can be as mature as their clients and resolve this issue soon.

@bitelaum wrote:
So, are you gonna improve the client and make it cleaner by removing the lyrics feature too (like you did with the notifications)?
I wonder if in a few months we will still have a play button...

They aren't removing the lyrics. They're just gonna revamp it to use their own lyrics system.

Man, I see all these comments, like, "I'm gonna stop using Spotify because they removed lyrics..", "The lyrics funtion was the only reason I used spotify..", "I'm gonna use some other service from now on and I know a quadrillion other people will too!"
Many people seem to be using these comments as a form of threat towards Spotify. Like, "gief me lyrcs or I no pay!!!! I'm important!!!!"


The introduction of this feature with the lyrics is quite recent. So, why were you using and/or paying for Spotify before this feature was introduced? Seriously, your complaining is more annoying than that "Humming is fun" bull**bleep**.
I'm as dissapointed and upset as anyone, but I went back to the old fashioned way of Googling for lyrics. Instead of bellyaching, come up with some constructive ideas for their "big improvement".
For example, I would really like a timestamp for every line. I'm also tired of all the incorrect lyrics, syncing and improper formatting. How about a ranking system for lyric correction?


- Mr. Ollat -

It's not really a recent feature. When Spotify supported apps I would use Musixmatch in that form. I don't care if it sounds whiny, Spotify decided to remove a feature with a vague "coming soon" update without any warning and I'm sharing that I don't like that. I'm not threatening Spotify or whatever lol, but I am letting them know, as are others, that they shouldn't "surprise" customers with the loss of important features and then not give any real outlook on their replacement. it's great that some of you are happy Googling lyrics, the rest of us appreciated the convience of just having them a click away.

Well, seems Musixmatch are the ones that made the decision to end their partnership, so you can hardly blame Spotify for that. I agree that Spotify should've been more prepared for this, however.


Who said I'm happy? I also appreciated the convience, but before that feature I was Googling lyrics and was at the time happy with that, because I dindn't know anything else. I'm trying not to let myself getting spoiled, if you know what I mean.


"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."

- Herm Albright


- Mr. Ollat -

when is the feature being returned?

I'm a Spotify lover mainly because of the lyrics or well this was the main reason I started my premium account. Then I discovered all the features, so now is tough going back where I was. I'm using Spotify even for work hours and not only when I'm doing boring docs, but also for creativity works. I take lots of inspiration from lyrics. To be honest, I thought it was a question of few mins, maybe hours or 2 days to improve them with an update and going back where we were... now, digging for each song into google, it takes time and it's not so fun anymore. I'm crossing fingers for the quickest update and better platform. 

"..digging for each song into google, it takes time.."

It takes 5 - 10 seconds (15 tops!) to google lyrics 😄😄😄

Me too ! I hate humming to Pink Floyd.I know MOST of the words,but not

Spotify should've informed the users ahead of time, especially those who aren't even familiar with this forum. They could have informed the users by posting some sort of announcement on the lyrics page of the Spotify app because not everyone has access here. I was clueless for days, thinking it was a problem with my Internet.


It's also unfair how the mobile users could still use the lyrics feature.

We all pay for the same price here so I just hope we get treated equally. 

Spotify should have been prepared with Musixmatch's termination of contract and a concrete plan should've been made in the past instead of making us wait in vain when there's no assurance as to when the lyrics feature will come back. 


I'm just quite disappointed, really. Yeah sure, it's easy to search up for the lyrics on Google but the lyrics feature is a part of the reason why I went premium. Because of its convenience. So please don't give me that "it takes 5-10 seconds to search up for the lyrics on Google" statement. I understand, but these are all just my thoughts. In the meantime, I wouldn't mind Googling the lyrics myself, if this means a better Spotify in the future.Thanks.

oh this is bad. that's why its been weeks without lyrics coz you ended up partnership with musixmatch *sigh*. if this will go in a month I maybe cancel my subscription.

@Pudency wrote:


It's also unfair how the mobile users could still use the lyrics feature.

We all pay for the same price here so I just hope we get treated equally. 


The mobile app has no lyrics feature at all. You can use the Musixmatch app that recognizes what you are listening and automatically surfaces the corresponding lyrics, but that has nothing to do with Spotify.

Sorry about that. I don't use Spotify on my smartphone.
However, the last time I tried using Musixmatch on my Spotify in my iPad (without logging my original account in), it required me to log on a Premium account to have access to the lyrics. This is why I came to a conclusion in my previous post that mobile users can still utilize this perk.

@user-removed wrote:


The introduction of this feature with the lyrics is quite recent.

Don't you remember there was a time when Spotify had apps? The lyrics 'feature' came after they killed off all those wonderful apps (worst decision, btw).

There was a MusixMatch app and another lyrics app it's name I can't recall right now.

Bring back apps, open the desktop app to third party developers again and someone will get the job done.

Simply amazing. Such a big company with millions users paying every month to get the best possible experience. I wonder if all the money you have taken from us during these years has not been enough to prevent this type of ending partnership issues.
I miss the lyrics option. If you do not fix this in the upcoming days I will say goodbye to Spotify. And I am sure I will not be the only one doing this.

Switch to Deezer. I just did and it is the better service anyway imho!

This feauture was one of the main reasons I kept Spotify over other services. Bring it back!!!

is it done yet? No lyrics is getting annoying..

I mean, that would be nice but they haven't came out and said that. Puting their users in the dark is a good way to lose those users.

Is Deezer available in Canada and does it have the lyrics feature? Thanks

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