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Make volume slider bigger?

Make volume slider bigger?

Im using Spotify on my new Surface book, which has a high resolution screen.


I am struggling with controlling the volume of my speaker with this tiny little slider thats no longer than my thumbnail. Quite bothersome when you have a powerful speaker connected with Spotify connect.


Is there any way to make it bigger? Or improve the UI - terribly optimized for high res screens.

3 Replies

Hey @Ramius,


You can change the display scaling in the View toolbar, or by pressing Ctrl and + to increase the scaling, and Ctrl and - to decrease it.

Hope this helps!


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Hey thanks, this helped just a little bit. But still the volume slider is way too small. I would like to have a big one for more precise controll over volume.


Unfortunately, there's not much to do past this point. You can also try posting in the Ideas Board. Just make a new post detailing the problem and what should be done to remedy it. 



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