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Problems with windows store app

Problems with windows store app

Hi whenever I try to install your app from the windows store and then use it I get notification "Data Area Passed to a System Call Is Too Small". I've tried resolving the issue with Windows community but they only recommended trying using the app on another account, which I did, but the problem still occured. 

8 Replies

any updates on this i got the same error message.

I'm also getting the same error, "The data area passed to a system call is too small."


I'm having the same problem. Windows 10 with all the updates, downloaded from the Microsoft Store. I am one of the folks migrating over from Groove so it would be nice to have this fixed.  Thanks


From the dialog:

[Window Title]
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic_1.64.403.0_x86__zpdnekdrzrea0\SpotifyMigrator.exe

C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic_1.64.403.0_x86__zpdnekdrzrea0\SpotifyMigrator.exe

The data area passed to a system call is too small.


I discovered I could not access c:\program files\windowsapps where store apps are installed.  I followed some online instructions and finally got permissions to it but would still get errors when trying to launch from that directory. I was testing a few links shown in the app manifest and one was the start menu shortcut that spotify installs.  i clicked that and the app opened!  So.. a bit of voodoo but I think I'm in business.


I followed the directions here to get permissions to that folder:


And the specific folder is in our error message:

C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic_1.64.403.0_x86__zpdnekdrzrea0


Good luck!


I Have the same problem, help please.

I gave up on the Windows Store version and just downloaded the official version from the Spotify website.

I had this problem on a Win10 machine, i attempted to install from the Windows Store, which failed due to Group Policy restrictions on my machine, i then install from the, where when launching Spotify resulted in this error, clicking OK cleared the error and launch the Spotify as needed. On reading this chain, I took ownership of the reported C:\Program Files\WindowsApps and it subfolders, which made no difference. I uninstalled both Spotify options, 1 from SpotifySetup.exe and the other i assume from the Windows Store. And manually Spotify related folder from C:\Program Files\WindowsApps, on reinstalling from the error no longer occurred.

Hope this helps others.

1. Click on File Explorer

2. Click on This PC

3.  Click on OS (C:)

4. Click on Program Files

5.  Click on View (Image 1)

6. Click on hidden items at the top right

7. Right-click on WindowsApps

8. Click on properties

9. Click on security

10. Click on Advanced

11. Click on change (located at the right of Owner)

12. A pop-up will show, close it and come back to the same window you were where no information were shown, but now instead of saying: Unable to display current owner, it says TrustedInstaller.

13. Click again on the button Change

14. Enter your account user (if you do not know where to look for it, go see on youtube easy tutorial how to do so.) 

15. Click on check names and then on ok

16. Click on the square box: Replace owner on subcontainers and objects and wait for the system to transfer the ownership to you)

17. Come back to your ProgramFiles

18. Click on WindowsApps

19. Scroll to the bottom of the document and you should find the document Spotify AB.SpotifyMusic. some other numbers

20. Go to the document Spotify.exe

21. Right-click it and run in as an administrator.


spotify help 1.PNG

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