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Shuffle mode playing the same songs all the time

Shuffle mode playing the same songs all the time

I have a playlist with 10,000 songs and use shuffle to listen to them. What I realized the past weeks is that the same songs are played over and over again - and not because I listen to this playlist 24/7 but because the shuffle mode seems to not pick songs just randomly but has some kind of algorythm behind to pick certain songs all the time again and again. This is quiet annoying because the reason I use shuffle in a playlist with 10,000 is not to listen to the same songs all the time but to have variety!

204 Replies

@AdamDam presumably after 4 years you've sacked this idea off?



I have Spotify free in my car running Android Automotive.


From this reddit I have picked up a number of playlist that contains quite a lot of songs. Also l have tried a couple of Spotify lists.


They all behave in the same manner.


I only listen to the same songs. It is quite frustrating that I only hear the same, say 10-15, songs again and again despite the playlist contains 100+ songs.


One of the reasons can be that I only drive my car for shorter periods 15-60 minutes before I stop. The I leave my car for a while. Back in the car the same songs repeats again but many in different order.


Is this because of the Spotify free or what? Will it change if I upgrade to premium?


Edit: to clarify, Spotify free is supposed to always use shuffle mode

There's a Spotify live (very dead) idea about this.


They haven't done anything about it in over 4 years. I don't believe they'll fix this or that they care enough about their customers to engage with them, so I've moved on.


Still a problem in 2024. It's not that hard to randomize a list, so either your devs are garbage, your tech is garbage, or you're just lazy (likely all 3)


Phones can handle this. Blaming devices is just a lazy cop out

I have over 1k songs on my liked list but I heard songs 3-4 times over the course of continuous play for 4 hrs. Even if I stop listening to it and start again the next day, why can't the playlist be shuffled until all the songs have been played. THAT would be something!!






I've been a Spotify client since about 2016. And I've seen it evolve over time into what it is today. It's a great music app! It's simple to use, the layout is excellent. I don't have any other problems with it besides this reoccurring issue I've been having since I downloaded it in 2016. 


I have over 2000+ songs on my "liked songs" playlist, however I only ever hear a handful of songs when I put it on shuffle! I don't hear the rest of my extensive music collection, and it's been getting more and more frustrating to deal with. I want to be able to listen to my whole library without having to break it down into different playlists. I even tried putting all of my liked songs into a different playlist that I created and it still didn't solve the issue. I've noticed in the past that when I look up on google how to solve this problem, there isn't any real solution, yet a lot of the user base have the exact same issue. If so many of us are having the same problem, then perhaps it's time for you to reevaluate how your shuffling system works. 


I hope you will take this idea into consideration! 

Make an option then for those compatible why is this a whole sub the solution is so easy Apple Music does it


    >> …  Make it an option then! … I heard the same songs 3-4 times over the course of continuous play for 4 hrs!  … What’s wrong?  … It is quite frustrating that I only hear the same, say 10-15, songs again and again despite the playlist contains 100+ songs.  ,,,


I thank everyone here for giving me and my family accounts all the ideas we need on how to construct and create workarounds for every single one of these deadly flaws in the Spotify shuffle-- Particularly bad since Spotify-- around December 2020 or so-- purposefully blocked us Roadies from running that 2014 last fully functional version of this clunky and deteriorating Spotify interface!


But thanks to all of the ideas from everybody on all of these vociferous and detailed complaint channels!-- Therefrom we have detailed for ourselves how-to corrections and fixes for every complaint about the shuffle that my family accounts have found so far. And the wonderful Spotify devs and managers have been so generous in making even the shuffle on Folder of Sub-Folders and playlists for a total of over 200K tracks of varied songs and genres and albums and artists work perfectly!-- until it breaks-- and then we have to go to our user fix sheets and user programming fixes to recover a perfect shuffle again-- So Thank you, thank you all!


Summary:  We Roadie accounts that get perfect shuffles until the shuffle breaks have had to create for ourselves different varieties of means for fixing the shuffle-- by-- Skip the next track from the top of the queue if that track has played in the last 90 days-- Or some number of days that the user sets when the user initializes a true shuffle with no advertising gimmicks or payola gimmicks or (whatever it does that Spotify does instead of just the randomness of any string of digits in any garden variety irrational number).


That above paragraph summarizes the logic of the simple fix for all of these complaints about the Spotify shuffle.  And that above summary paragraph summarizes the workarounds that all of us Roadies use for getting successful shuffles for 10,000 tracks at a time.


Spotify already has a check on whether the Next track in the queue is to be skipped because the license to play has expired--


So similarly Spotify could make a very needed programming fix for all of these frustrating and infuriating repeats and repeats of repeats-- just by similarly in tandem skipping the play of that next track if it has been played already by this current account in the last 90 days-- or the number of days set by the user when the user selects TrueRandom shuffling.


Thanks for all of your ideas here-- which all of my family accounts have taken to heart-- and hence by using all of your ideas here-- All of my family accounts get perfect shuffles when they 1) notice immediately when the shuffle has broken-- and then 2) initialize the next true shuffle-- by blasting delete all of those intermediate files that store the repeats that infuriate all of us when the shuffle breaks-- and then 3) copy to an alert file the first 81 tracks of the visible queue-- because most of the time when the shuffle breaks, the Spotify shuffle comes out of the state of confusion-- like after losing the Wi-Fi connection-- and in confusion starts playing the last successful shuffle from the start-- and that is really infuriating-- so you retain that copy of the top of the last successful shuffle as part of your diagnostic check to compare with the queue to notice immediately when the shuffle has broken as many people have said in this and similar forums over and over to warn us all-- Thank you!



I've signed in on desktop, sign out of all devices, then removed and reinstalled the app on my phone. Yet still, as soon as spotify starts playing after having stopped for a while, it switches to the same song at the exact same pause point.
This is infuriating. Everytime I get in my car I've got to manually scroll through my song list and try and find which song I was up to so I can keep playing my chosen song list.

I'm playing songs mostly from "My liked songs" on shuffle. But it is same order of songs for whole day. I usually click on first song in playlist, and I expect queue will be randomized again.

In the middle of 2024, with the rise of AI after "the revolution" of Spotify, are they still replicating the terrible shuffle mode of the 90's? More than 1700 songs on one list, and they repeat the same fu***** songs over and over again until they're tired. Maybe it's too advanced a science for this app?


I think a simple piece of script could have easily handled it too. It's like those high school probability questions: 

Pick a random song without replacement. 
and then after all songs have been picked that cycle, reset the "picked list" 

Hi Harry, thanks for your response, I was not aware of that solution. How
much does Spotify pay its employees? I didn't know you could work as a
freelancer for them, and get paid to fix their problems...

No, I wish I can fix it because it's such a simple problem. 

I don't actually have any association with Spotify aside from being a listener, fortunately or unfortunately. 

Suggesting users to upvote a change request is like a dictator suggesting dissenters to wait for the next election. 

If Spotify can come up with "smart(!) shuffle" option, it can definitely can add a "really/honestly/truly shuffle" option. 

Why do I have to get scolded by my young son for playing the same dozen songs over and over again though I have a playlist with over a hundred songs?

It's October 2024 and this issue is still here. It can't be that difficult to provide a true shuffle. You don't even need to shuffle the whole playlist, just selecting the next track at Random from Favourites or a playlist would be as good. I am getting sick of what were some of my favourite songs because they keep playing.

I listen to Spotify a lot on my Android and my TV. I've discovered that shuffle is not truly shuffle. 

When I select a playlist, it plays the songs in a set order, not in a shuffle order. So if I listen to a playlist that has about 600 songs when I'm driving, I'll hear a certain number of songs. When I get back in my car and put that same playlist on, it will start again and go through the same songs. It's not truly shuffling. Why does it insist on doing this and why can't it be fixed? 

Same thing happens if I choose to listen a certain artist. It only plays a select number of songs, not all the songs that the artist has released. Is it really that difficult to fix this issue for an app that has been around for so long. 

I have the same problem! You never hear your whole playlist, just the same songs over and over with shuffle. 

Please fix this ugly ISSUE! We do not like the most listening to the same 1% of songs ALL THE TIME. It's unbelievable that you impose such backward behavior on millions of your users. This is extremely irresponsible and unprofessional.

This CRITICAL issue is a good reason to stop using Spotify. There is one problem though: Apple Music shuffles only the first 200 songs in Tesla (all starting on "A"). So, it's even worse. And their engineers earn half a million dollars a year. Unbelievable!

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