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Sound Card Problems

Sound Card Problems


Every so often i get the messege, there is a problem with your sound card.

This is annoying ;


i have a up to date sound card and window updates.

I have reinstalled it but the problem will come back after a day or two.

This to me suggests a problem with spotify as a program..

How can it be ok for days in a row then stop, then a day or two after i can use it again...

Seriously considering going back to grooveshark now!



1 Reply

Hello and welcome to the community! 🙂


have you already tried to disable the hardware accerlation in your settings or just tried the spotify beta? The beta can be found here.


Please tell me if this doesn't work for you so i'll continue my research ;).



btw. im not a spotify employee im just a volunteer.


good luck!


Kind regards,

Max aka. Amarro

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