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Spotify Won't Open

Spotify Won't Open

I have Spotify downloaded on my Windows HP work computer and the app has opened and worked just fine until today, when I recieved the below message pop-up box on my screen (image also attached):


Cannot find 'api-ms-win-core-processthreads-I1-1-2.dII'. Please, re-install this application.



I have tried to uninstall it and my computer will not, and I have also tried to re-install it from the internet but the same message comes up after I "Run" the installation application.


Please help, I dont get why it all of a sudden just stopped working.



Spotify Alert Window.PNG
1 Reply

Hey @SMBennett


There seems to be an issue with the newest version of Spotify looking for a .dll that doesn't exist on any Win7 machines.


An Issue thread has been created for this and more information is needed, so please head over here. Updates on this error will be posted there. Also, Spotify has been informed about this issue and they're looking into it.


Uninstalling can be done using Revo Uninstaller as well as manually deleting Spotify folders from %AppData% (Roaming and Local), since it seems it's impossible through Control Panel.

Reinstalling the client works at the moment because the previous version is initially installed.


So the current workarounds are either an older client or using the web player on

Hopefully there will be a fix very soon! 🙂

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