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Time Zone Error

Time Zone Error







Operating System

Windows 10

My Question or Issue

 I originally posted this as an 'idea' a few weeks ago and was told to post here instead. 


As I'm typing this at 1 am ET, spotify is telling me it's been 'Autosaved at 06:15 AM.' My profile says I'm in the US. This is a problem because I'm greeted with 'Good Morning!' by the web player featured page, and recommended morning themed playlists, when it's 1 am. Surely they aren't intending to tell people "Good Morning!" at this hour. I'm not using a proxy and my computer time is accurate to the local time. 


Now a few weeks later it's still the wrong time, telling me 'Autosaved at 06:11 PM,' while it's 1:11 PM. 

2 Replies

Hey, thanks for reaching out.

I know it sounds simple, but it's often overlooked. Could you try restarting your device? If that doesn't help, try a quick clean reinstallation of the app. Just follow the steps here. If it doesn't work try to use this more advanced guide 🙂

If you're still having trouble, could you let me know the exact version of Spotify and the exact version of the operating system you're running?

I'll see what I can suggest!

I'm not using the app, I'm listening through the web player. I've restarted my computer dozens of times since I first noticed the problem weeks ago. The version of windows is Windows 10 Pro. If I do a Google search of the current time, it gives me my correct local time.

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