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Tip: playlists & folder limit

Tip: playlists & folder limit

Hey, it seems that the limit to the amount of folders and playlists that can be created on spotify seems to currently be 9074 (when using spotify version ).


Once a playlist or folder is created while having 9074 folders/playlists, the next playlist or folder created, will disappear shortly after being created.


I didn't see this anywhere when I searched for the topic, so I thought I'd share it here in case anyone else wanted to know.


Edit: It seems that the playlists & folders use the same "pool" that the "songs saved to library" does, hence the sum of {songs saved to library, created/followed playlists and folders} seems to be around 10 000 (though for me the limit ended up as 10 413 instead of 10 000 for some reason).


Edit 2: Apparently, it seems possible to add songs to the library in spite of having hit the cap on the amount of  playlists/folders that can be created, so I am still not sure what determines the playlist/folder cap, and would love if anyone who knew what determins it could explain it to me.


Sorry if I spread some misinformation or if I still got it wrong!

3 Replies

Hey there @Arikabeth,

thanks for posting !


If you wish to contribute to an idea about this issue you can put your vote here.


Have a great week 😃

Oh, I did not realize that {max songs saved to library}  counted towards {max amount of folders and playlists in the library}. I though they had a separate pool, as the sum of folders, playlista and songs in my library did not add up to 10000, (but rather around 100413 'units' of either stored songs/playlists/folders).


After testing by saving a song while just under the limit, it does indeed prevent making additional folders and playlists, indicating that they share the same pool.


Sorry if I was misinforming, I guess the tip was not that helpful then, and I'll edit it.


The idea you refered to makes no mention about the playlists/folders counting towards the pool, so, perhaps the thread should be renamed something like "increase the song/folder/playlist limit" for clarity?

Apparently, it seems possible to add songs to the library in spite of having hit the cap on the amount of  playlists/folders that can be created, so I am still not sure what determines the playlist/folder cap, and would love if anyone who knew what determins it could explain it to me.

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