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Unable to edit playlist cover

Unable to edit playlist cover






Asus Laptop

Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

Within the last week my Spotify changed it's look, I'm now unable to edit playlists. 

I've tried uninstalling, and even followed the steps for a thorough uninstall, but nothing changes. 

6 Replies

Hi there @ScooterMill,

thanks for reaching out !


It's possible you're seeing changes made on the app by Spotify.

You can read more about those changes here.


Furthermore, there an active idea you can find here which contains a request to allow switching looks of the app.

Make sure to add your +VOTE and subscribe to get updated.


Hope this helps.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know:)

It's possible = I have no clue what's going on

Hey @Jayroro,


Just jumping in here to confirm that this is indeed a new desktop experience we're currently testing.


In case you've also noticed these changes and are now missing some features in the desktop app, we recommend you follow OneByBoo's suggestion and add your +VOTE to the idea that would allow you to switch between the old and the new look, or submit a new idea for any particular feature you'd like to see return in the new app design.


Hope this information is useful. Let us know if you have any other questions and feel free to leave a comment with your feedback. We'll make sure to pass it on to the right teams.


We hope you continue enjoying using Spotify 🎶

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This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm a paying customer and the features I'm paying for are being removed so that Spotify can test out this stupid web player. I want my features back and to opt out of this dumbass testing. If this doesn't get fixed I'm definitely not renewing my subscription and switch to another service.

Ryan, this is exactly why I haven't accepted any of the "solutions" offered in this thread.

I am still unable to edit playlists, until that is fixed my problem has not been solved.

I've canceled my premium, I won't be renewing until this problem is solved.

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