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Why was the queue moved to the right instead of the center?

Why was the queue moved to the right instead of the center?

My playlist queue used to be in the center column on the desktop app. Now it has moved to the right column and I really hate it there. How do I move it back to the center?
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134 Replies

Please vote and leave a comment on this live idea, that hopefully some overpaid, UI designer knob, might notice and realise what a stupid mistake they made.

Adding to the list of people that hate this new one. Fine make it as an option, but let those of us that liked the good functionality of the old interface be able to revert. This many people complaining and no response.


Let me preface this with the fact that I like to curate my own library, rather than rely on algorithm generated playlists or "radio stations" to decide what they think I want to hear. You know, like us old people did back in the day when we went to record stores and bought albums.

So, here's my basic workflow with Spotify.

I have > 21,000 songs in my library (Liked Songs).

I shuffle my liked songs, which generates a queue of about 80 songs.

I add the entire queue to a playlist, by using CTRL-A to select the entire queue, and add it to a target playlist.

I re-shuffle the queue to pick up a new set of 80 songs, and add that to the playlist.

This process repeats until I have around 2000 random songs from my library that I download and listen to offline on my phone for the week.

I rinse and repeat this process each week, to get a fresh playlist to download each week.

A recent update to the Windows app moved the queue to a panel on the right and out of the main window.

From this new location, in the panel on the right of the window, it is no longer possible to select the entire queue and add it to a playlist, thus ruining my entire workflow.

I cannot simply shuffle my entire Liked Songs collection on my phone, because it takes several minutes from the time I try to play that collection on shuffle until the time it actually starts playing music, which sucks.

Why was the ability to add a queue to a playlist removed? You killed my workflow.

I agree with all other respondents.  This is ruining my Spotify PC experience. 

This update has made my experience so frustrating. It’s harder to rearrange my queue. When I tap in the now playing song it no longer jumps to the song in the playlist. The now playing and queue both share the same small right panel. The middle of the screen, the largest space, is completely useless. I genuinely want to know what the purpose of this update. I really hope our feedback is taken seriously and changes are made because this change has me considering canceling my subscription. 

I also dislike this display. I used to be able to select multiple randomised items in the queue and add them to a playlist. (That could just be me). Please move the queue back to the centre & display all information,

People, a new update came today. They didn't change the UI. I think we are doomed.

I can't believe this. They receive overwhelmingly negative feedback, and they simply don't care. I'm using the web player for the time being, but it's not ideal because it's missing other functionalities that the app has. So frustrating.


Before this major revamp of the app two years ago or so, there was a way to prevent the app from updating, until last year the old app stopped working altogether and we had no other choice than to allow the update. But right now I'm so fed up with the constant changes, I'd love to install the version from roughly a month ago and prevent further updates. Can anyone tell me if this is possible in a similar way we did it to preserve that old app?

Please revert the layout of the app, as others have said the new layout is cramped and awful to use. 

I really really hate this change on computer desktop. Please revert back to queue in centre screen, or at least give us the option.

If you're fed up with the constant, unnecessary changes and makeovers, look for the YT video "How to Stop Spotify from Auto Updating (2023)", it works great for me! Apparently, this won't work if you have a space in your Windows user name, like me, but if you scroll down in the comments, there is an easy workaround. Right now I'm using version from February, and it doesn't auto-update.

As of now, the "new and improved" middle pane doesn't work at all. The app can't display the home page or find any artists or albums.



No, it doesn't help. You've misinterpreted the problem and the resulting complaints. Read the dozens of posts that follow.


Improve the experience? Ask if this has improved anything for anyone. Then take your smiley face and stick it... somewhere.


"a redesign to provide a richer listening experience with more context and make it easier for listeners to explore, browse, and organize their Spotify libraries" Really? Name one way this is a richer experience. That's what I thought. Big fail.


It's been a month and the queue is still on the right please revert.

The center area not have utility any more! Watching "Now Playing" when , the same time, i can see artist information is more objective and logical in a music player! Now i just see playlists and artists covers without utility! If the goal is show publishers all time to free users, please give us, the premium users, a choice of layout. Enable a layout window configuration with orientation to "now playing" area  option.   

I just cancelled my premium subscription because of this. How hard is it to not destroy your app and then ignore the users who are overwhelmingly upset about it? This is pathetic. I'm over it, spotify. 

Yep, I have been considering cancelling too. I guess if they don't care about their customers, I don't want to give them my money.

Premium User, from Germany


This relates to:


1) I often use spotify on my small chromebook where i only have my current queue open and drag and drop songs. with the small third column i can no longer comfortably view my current playlist on my small display...


2) In my desktop setup i use a widescreen and i used this by placing spotify in the upper left of my screen, i can no longer use it like this. 


The thread has been up for two weeks with zero reaction from the spotify team. 

Where can we see update on issues like that?

Same with like and dislike buttons gone? 

Is the spotify team no longer working on improving its app?

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