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Windows 10 - Skips many songs only on PC

Windows 10 - Skips many songs only on PC







Operating System

Windows 10



My Question or Issue

Starting about a week ago my spotify app on Windows 10 has started skipping songs and giving the standard "Spotify can't play..." error. It is always specific songs that Spotify will not play - probably around 75% of songs on my PC. The same songs can play on my phone standalone (on the same internet connection), but not when I'm playing on my computer through my phone. To the best of my knowledge, this shouldn't be due to song licensing or other license issues which typically lead to a skipped song.


I have followed the instructions of other posts by:

  1. Uninstall, delete user file in %AppData%, and Reinstall
  2. Check if drivers are updated
  3. Disconnect/Reconnect speakers
  4. Turned off hardware acceleration
  5. And other assorted tips

Can anyone provide any advice? This is quite frustrating.

12 Replies

Hey there @1241353004,

thanks for posting !


Can you please try restarting your router/modem and see if it helps ?

Even trying another internet connection might help understanding the issue better.


In addition, make sure to reinstall the app again and to choose the Windows Store version of the app while reinstalling.


Let me know how it goes 😃

This did not work...

Hey there @1241353004,


Can you please let me know if  you're trying to listen to Spotify on your PC via Connect from your mobile device?


If so, please try listening directly from your PC  (not via Connect) and let me know if it makes any difference.


Waiting on your update 😃

Ive troubleshooted with connecting through device, but in general listen directly (or attempt) on my PC.

I can no longer listen to any songs on my PC, which is a different than my initial situation.

This very issue is happening to me and it has been months since it first started. I have the same Win10 PC configuration and mainly use this PC at my work which is optimised for internet. Sadly, at home on my Mac this is not an issue, at ALL. I suspect something has changed with the Windows 10 music drivers and Spotify has ignored the issue.  To be clear about the phenomenon, randomly the player will play 5 seconds of any song then skip to the next song, sometimes continuing this process over and over. I have un-installed the Spotify client several times on this computer and it continues to be an issue. Dear Spotify, if you read this, please take this issue seriously as this is happening and is frustrating to say the least. I know I'm using a free version of your service, but it doesn't randomly skip ads!

Hey there @theotherjt and @1241353004


It sounds like you're having a device issue. 

Please try the following :

- Make sure that your device is fully updates

- Try updating the sound and graphic card drivers

- Make sure that Spotify is set as an exception for any firewalls or antivirus software

- Check the host's file for any entries of Spotify on his Windows device (Steps provided here)

- Run the Spotify app as administrator.


If the same issue happens when using external audio devices, for example Bluetooth headphones you can try and check the device you want to listen on isn’t playing to an external device with Spotify Connect, Bluetooth, or any other wireless connection method.


Let me know how it goes 😃

None of these fixes work. I've now downloaded spotify on a new computer with Windows 10 and it has the same problem. I've been a premium member for many years now, but if this can't get fixed I guess I'm going to have to leave... That's really disappointing, because besides this I've never had issues.

Hey @1241353004.


Thanks for getting back to us - we'll keep at it 😉


That's odd... If it's not working on your other desktop device, then there is the possibility that there is in fact something wrong with your account.


Just to confirm this, do you mind getting a friend or family member to log in on both devices using their account to see if they have the same issue?


If they also experience this issue, let us know and we'll look into it 😉

I am having this same issue on any computer I try to login to. I have tried 5 different computers and all of them result in the songs skipping. They work fine on my iPhone, but not on any Windows 10 computer.

Exactly the same issue for me on a Windows 10 desktop. More then 10 re-installations of the Windows App and also the .exe Programm, all songs are skipped for me.

Just bought a Winows Surface Go and having the exact same problem as all these other people. Tried all the fixes described above. Please help!!!

Having the same issue. Only fix for me is to close Spotify, change the audio device, reopen Spotify, hit play, then swap back to the original audio device.


If I play a local file the bug starts happening again.


The fix in has worked for me.

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